Being at Choice For What You Are Tending

I am still exploring the ideas and teachings on tending what is sacred and using the energy of the Equinox and Fall to get clear on what we are tending and letting go of that which is not sacred to us. There is a video below that I shared in my private group this week that starts with a potent poem from one of my teachers to inspire you to go deeper into what is sacred to you. Because in order to be in your full power you need to discern and gain clarity on two things:

What is sacred to you and what are all the things you are tending?

I think so many of us go through life just DOING ALL THE THINGS we don't even have a clear picture of all the things we are tending (or not tending but just juggling trying to keep all the balls in the air...and then beating ourselves up for dropping one). We are going through the motions instead of getting clear on what is sacred to us and making choices to only tend those things...which are ultimate very few if we are discerning. So I would invite you to make a list of EVERYTHING you are tending no matter how big or small.And really sit with it, look at, realize how much energy you are expending, and look deeply at what things are sacred to you and which are not. And start making some choices to let go of some things that are not sacred and are not nourishing to you.

One of the biggest acts of sovereignty, inner power and authority is making choices that serve your highest good. And by doing so, you are able to be more potent, more impactful, and more able to show up fully to your own life (and for others). We are often in fear of making these choices because we are afraid of disappointing others, but the truth is the people who TRULY love you...may need to take some of their own responsibility and sovereignty back, but trust me they will still be there for you. And giving another their sovereignty back is a gift, even if they make not think so in the moment. Because in the end that makes THEM more empowered and potent. Or there could end up being a letting go of relationships you are tending that are not nourishing you back, and again while very uncomfortable that is likely in your highest good.

So I do hope you enjoy the video. And I have two ways for you to go deeper with me on the subjects of tending and of sovereignty. One is Your Sacred Vision Garden where together we get clarity on what you are tending, what you are letting go of, and where you will claim where you will put your life force focus between now and Spring Equinox, while also leaving room for the mystery and the possibilities you cannot even see you.

The other is It's Good to Be The Queen: The Art of Standing in Your Sovereignty a six week journey beginning in October where you learn how to embody your Inner Queen, work with the light and the shadow of her, and learn to recognize when and where you are leaking power before you are completely drained and reclaim it. The invitation will be ready later this month, but in the meantime you can join the waitlist to be the first to be invited and receive a bonus when you register.

Regardless of whether you choose to work more deeply with me on this, I do encourage you to really look at what you are tending, make some choices, discern what is most sacred to you, and only tend those FEW things with potent energy instead of taking on too many things and having diffused and depleted energy.

Love and Light,


Your Sacred Vision Garden Registration

Good to Be The Queen Waitlist


My Love/Hate Relationship with Being Alone


Tending What Is Sacred