A Sense of Emergence
“Acorn struggles in pain to crack the hard shell and emerge. For it senses that out there… exists more and it knows it. It feels that there is a sun, even if Acorn hasn't seen it. It has felt some warmth and energy and it aches for more.” -Robin Rumi
Can you feel a sense of emergence in your life? I do. And this moment between the darkness of winter and the emergence of spring is like the pause between the inhale and the exhale, and this in-between time is short I am savoring it. Savoring the last few moments before all the seeds of my visions burst from their shells and seek out the light, arriving in Divine Timing; in simplicity; and seeking my attention and my creative action.
That is what happens when you design your life around seasonal cycles, listen and honor their rhythms, as your own. Because you too are a part of the natural world, and these rhythms are OUR rhythms too. Cycles are not just reserved for the plants, the cosmos, and the creatures. But we have been "trained" to ignore the natural world and separate from it, as opposed to the plants and creatures who don't know any other way, in fact it is a matter of innate survival. When we ignore the cycles and our own rhythms, we EITHER overwhelm ourselves by trying to do to much, too soon, or before its ready OR we stagnate and don't ever spend time dreaming into our visions, or if we do, we quickly forget about them or never take the next step of emergence and then passage into creating aligned action and bringing our visions into form OR we find ourselves in mental "confusion" around making decisions and what we should or shouldn't focus on.
When we connect in with what the natural world is doing, slow down, pay attention, and notice that if we honor that, we naturally follow those cycles and when we do things begin to flow, our visions + our creative energy naturally begin to come into form. Yes, we have to put in the work, but it is SO much easier when we have nature on our side. It is so much easier when we get clear on what we really desire, and only choose to put our life force focus into those things, and say no (or maybe later) to the rest. And release the pressure valve we tend to place on ourselves.
This year I really did honor the darkness of winter to let my visions, the messages I was receiving, my "phrase" for the year brew in the cauldron. I did not even "logically" understand everything at first, (and most of us don't) so I just allowed them to be nourished, to grow in their own time. I did not rush, I did not try to DO anything with the information except let it keep informing me, I stayed out of my head, I created art, and I waited. I am not saying it was comfortable, but I AM saying I am grateful that I did this, because I am so much more informed on what wants to emerge than if I would have gone gangbusters with all the ideas and messages I was receiving in December and January. My energy would be all over the place in chaos, rather than the focused potency it will now have as we emerge into spring and pass into summer. So I am asking you to do the same, if not this year, then next. But there is always opportunity to be still and listen, in fact I believe it should be a regular practice. But it is one that comes naturally when we are in the darker times of the year. And the truth is..if you asked yourself...and waited for the true response...do you really want to be "out there", overwhelmed and busy during the colder, darker times of the year. I know I sure don't. Or I am "out there" in smaller bytes.
So as we approach the emergence Spring (with the Spring Equinox being March 21st, which is a time of balanced energy) and the emergence of more light (physically and energetically) the invitation; if you desire to live more in harmony with the natural cycles, is to begin discerning which Visions, Dreams, Goals, and Aligned Actions you want to give your time, financial, and energetic resources. The invitation is to not only do this for your work, but also you LIFE....which I notice most women leave out of the visioning picture entirely. But that is a whole other conversation. Spring is ruled by the Air Element, the Air element rules the mind, winged creatures are air creatures, and they are capable of both visioning, and then when they see their prey (nourishment, food) they take swift and decisive action. They would never see their prey if they always have their nose to the ground, walking around aimlessly, or hyper-focused on only what is right in front of them. Now is the time to bring in the mind....but remain in service to the heart. Which is usually where the incoherence is. When we "think" about our visions and goals first, we are ignoring what our hearts really desire, and we overwhelm ourselves going after things we don't even want, or with a bunch of to-do's that don't bring us any pleasure. Many of us don't even know what our heart and soul desires are. But when we spend time in the heart, listening, feeling, and tapping into what we truly want, AND THEN bring in the power of our beautiful minds to bring it into form, well....we make magic.
I really don't know how to prove that this way of living in cycles will change your life, because it is experiential and it is transformational, and it is A PRACTICE. One that is worth it, and has changed my entire life. I "hit" most of my goals before living this way, but it was a struggle, it was never fluid, I wasn't in my joy, and ultimately I burned out, I was anxious all the time and I self-medicated to deal with it. I now connect deeply with my own Inner Wisdom and with nature, beauty, joy, creativity, and community AND I bring my visions into form. The ones I know I truly desire. Which isn't ALL THE THINGS.
So invite you to try this way of designing your life. It certainly won't "hurt" you, and it may just shift everything.
I would love hear, how your year is going. What have you been visioning and dreaming? Are you making goals and aligned actions? If you already have and you are "slaying the list" do you feel aligned and fluid or do you feel "busy" and overwhelmed? Most importantly, are you having fun?
Remember, I am always here with an open heart, open eyes, and open ears. And love hearing from you.