Lessons in Simplicity

"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak" Hans Hoffman 

Those of you have been reading for a bit know that my power mantra for this year..that has been coming through since the Winter Solstice is "Keep it Simple, Make it Mythic. " And I have not fully known what it has meant other than I know for sure I am being called to simplify some things in my life and work. So I have just continued to listen and remain in awareness for the lessons around simplicity. And apparently the lessons that are coming is that the more simple I make things the more mythic the experience. AND to me mythic also means to really open up to play, inspiration, fun, imagination, and being the "trickster", because the Coyote has also been coming to me often.

"What is being called to be simplified in your life?"

I know for sure I am guilty of over-complicating things, when sometimes the simple is the most easeful, and its also when I get my most inspired Inner Wisdom ideas. I feel like I should do MORE, provide MORE value, when often the phrase "less is more" is really true, and provides the deepest experience. I learned that lesson this week. 

Last week, my inspiration meter was low. Then on Sunday I spent time teaching a class in my community. I was so inspired by my students, I have to remind myself not to over-complicate I initially tried to over-complicate some things, when it was the simplicity of holding space, sharing stories, and doing an intuitive collage together in conversation is where the magic was. I also attempted to teach a face drawing...over-complicating things, when we got exactly what we needed from the more simple part of the day. Lesson learned, no need to over-complicate in order to achieve a transformation and to both inspire and be inspired.

And today I spent time with a beloved and again this started OUT with a big agenda and intent to do a certain process. How it ended up, was each of us doing our own painting process, with some guidance from me, but mostly conversation, ideas, deep inspiration for EACH other, and an opening to receiving support from each other. It was so simple, so easeful, and we both left with some burning hot ideas. 

So my mantra for the year, and my dream-seeds are beginning to be informed, and I can see a shift in how I will be working in a more simplistic way of just gathering and inspiring. I have also been sitting with what comes most easily to me that is also transformational for others, and it is my INTENT to do more of that and less of what is not as natural, or not what I call a Sacred Tool that I was born with...some things I am still learning, they may become a sacred tool over time, but for now I am just going to "be" with those things, dive into my own process and maybe share them later, or maybe not. 

Also, this week several of my beloveds where feeling over-whelmed, out of alignment, uninspired, or confused about the "next right action" to bring their dream seeds into form. So I gave them this reminder and practice. 

If you did create a word or phrase for the year remind yourself of it continuously. Have you forgotten it already? Or are you living whatever it is you chose? Is it still in resonance, or have things shifted and perhaps if you are NOT living it, it is time to reconsider something that is in more resonance. It is OK to change your word...it does not have to be set in stone. But if you are clear on it..keep going. When you are feeling out of alignment, overwhelmed, or at a choice point about something, stop, breath and ask: 

Is this situation, choice, emotion or feeling......insert your word? So in my case, is this choice or action simple? If yes, let's do it, if not, then it's either a no, or "how can I simplify this?" would be the next question. So try it for yourself next time you have a choice to make, or an action to take (or inaction) that is not feeling aligned. Let me know how it goes. And continue to come back to your "word". Draw it, put it on your mirror, and speak it to yourself every single day. 

This is a simple practice for you to tap into your own Wisdom, each day. 

And also there is an invitation to sit with and journal on your Sacred Tools, what comes most naturally and easy to you, and how can you focus on bringing those out into the world, rather than make things difficult or over-complicated? I would love to hear what you come up with. 

As for me, as I have sat with this (and continue to sit with it) AND have received inspiration from my Inner Wisdom, from some beloveds, and some of my Wise Council, so I musing on a few different ways of working and would love your input as well. Some of my sacred tools, are wisdom teachings, space holding, ritual, and circle guiding, as well as, writing, speaking, and doing more "simplified" art processes as a way to access our Inner Wisdom. The class this week taught me the power of something as simple as an intentional collage, while musing on powerful inquiries, or a more simplified abstract painting process. Coming up with inquiries to dive deep into our souls is also a gift. AND that I am also good at just showing up and holding space for my beloveds, and illuminating their magic, helping them see things they cannot see within themselves, and providing guidance on how to bring those gifts into their lives and work, as well as, practices for reconnecting to themselves. 

So, I am thinking in Spring, I may offer my open studio days again, just to gather, bring your own creative project you are working on, or start a new one, and just be in conversation around a particular spiritual inquiry. And I may find a way to offer this virtually for my online beloveds as well. I am musing on a name for it, and have some ideas. But I would love to hear your feedback on if this is something you would enjoy. 

I have also added the ability to work with me virtually one on one for a Wisdom Reflection Session, where you can work with me on ONE thing you are musing on, struggling with, or just need reflection, witnessing, illumination, and guidance. For me the simplicity of being able to show up, hold space, and provide guidance in this way, also means simplicity for you, if you do not need or are not ready for a longer term or deeper program. I am super excited about this, as it provides me with a way to connect more deeply to you and to provide you with an "easier" way of working with me. If this interests you, I included and link below and I am happy to answer any questions. 

So beloveds, sit with your word for the year, USE it to bring you back to center. Also journal on your sacred tools, what comes easy to you, and how can you simplify things. I would love to hear from you. 

Book a Wisdom Reflection Session

Love and Light, 



A Sense of Emergence


The Seeds are Stirring with Life