Embracing the Pause

I am actually blown wide open right now..I am in deep gratitude. During the emotional roller coaster; the tough times. I am seeing what is true. I am giving myself permission..as I think many of us are...to do what it is I have been called to do for quite some time now. To go "internal" beyond the time the seasons normally dictate. To be in a creative cocoon, and at the same time to: 

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With no agenda, in fluidity, hardly any timelines other than to say when I will be externally present for you and when I won't. There is a certain level of freedom in this, that I personally have been craving for a long time. I have no agenda to make money or build a huge business. I have the agenda to hold space and share my gifts in any way I can, and I encourage you to do the same. I am being called to do what I do best..walk the Edges, embrace the paradoxes, feel the feels and be with them. This is truly a gift. And I know we are all in different places with this whole virus business. My thoughts, my reflections, and my wisdom changes from moment to moment.and I am being reminded of ancestral wisdom that I totally forgot about...this is a time of remembrance. Here is what I know for sure; I know this; I was born for this, and so were you; if you accept the present moment. Hold space for yourself, or reach out if you need assistance. If you are GOOD, hold space for others, just show up, shine your gifts, all the things you never thought were gifts...they are. Just being present is a gift. Period. We don't need to DO anything else. We don't need to BE anything than what we are. I share more deeply on this in an FB Live I did today. There is a lot to be grateful for. Please come join and watch. I will also be going LIVE there, when the Muse calls me to. And I will be holding space via Zoom, with the links, times and subjects below. This is what I know how to do. Hold space, get creative, reflect, and be generous of spirit. And by the way, I need you too. I am an extrovert, that is why going into the creative cocoon has been something I know I need, and have resisted. It scares me. So what I am doing to be "together" is as much for me as it is for you. Here is the link to my group..where I think I did a LIVE that I hope brings you some peace. And down below in this email are some options to hop on Zoom with me during this time. You DO NOT have to join my group to take part, although I hope you do. I am also offering complementary wisdom reflection sessions..one on one and virtual...as I can make the space for me. Just message/email/reach out. 

Amused Woman Circle

I will see you on the other side ladies,. 

Love and Light, 



Time to Re-Calibrate


A Sense of Emergence