The Seeds are Stirring with Life

This week for those of us the celebrate the seasonal turns of the wheel we are celebrating Imbolc, AKA, Brigid's Day, and Candelmas. This marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and The Spring Equinox and I cannot be happier that we are welcoming more light into our days. Imbolc is considered a "fire" or light ceremony, where the light is beginning to penetrate the dark, and nourish the seeds that have been sitting dormant. And even when we can't "see" activity and growth with our outer eyes, there is a stirring beginning to happen. It is evident and yet still mysterious. This time marks the beginning of the fertile season, the time to really illuminate what we want to birth into the world, and begin to get inspired by our own magic and ability to bring those visions we set and dreams into form.

Working with these cycles gives us the opportunity to slow down, to not rush things, as a seed cannot be rushed from a seed to a blossom. It is time to light the candles and really distill down the visions and intentions we set in January, and choose which seeds we will penetrate with our light (and life force energy), which ones we will tend, and give those that are really lighting us up, the time and attention it takes to mother them into form.

As I write this, a few weeks before Imbolc, I am feeling like a tender baby bird (Phoenix) just being born out of the ashes yet again, and a little unsure on what I want to tend for this year. OK that might not be true, I know what I want to tend, and I know that I want to take back some of my time from external "doings" and be in a creative cocoon. And to be quite honest, that scares me a bit. That old story that if I retreat a little in order to create what wants to come next, that the community I have built will fall like a house of cards. And I know that is not true. But still it's a story I am working to release. One I have been working on since Winter Solstice, so I am hoping this halfway point brings things into clarity.

What stories do you need to release to birth what is next and to nourish the vision into form?

I am also musing on time and how much of a currency we can make of it. I am so glad I do not put the pressure on myself to complete ALL THE THINGS by December 31st. Because holy mama it's already February.I am already looking at March and being gone on a much needed beach vacation, scheduling classes and guest teachers for April, and likely a little time off again in June, and around the wheel we go. I am already certain that the visions are at once so simple and yet bigger and longer term, and I am really looking into 2021 for some things. It's OK. I know I have to do less to receive more. I am "in development" this year in so many ways. Last year was such an "external" year, that I will be shifting to what is needed in my "internal world", it doesn't mean I am disappearing, but it means I am only doing the external work that really fuels my internal work. This is less of a growth year and more of a nurturance year and definitely a year of playing and doing things differently. And I give you permission to not always be in huge growth mode and consider doing things differently than how the external world says you should be doing things.

What in your life is being called to do things differently?

I know for me, I am doing my scheduling differently. I am doing the opposite of what the common business wisdom and coaching is out there, and I am not scheduling things months or even years in advance, or big "launches". I am waiting until I am inspired or create an inspiring art piece I want to teach. Yes, there are a few regular things, the New Moon Circles happen every month, my immersions, private circles and private clients, but as for art classes there will likely be one a month, and I am not sure past March what they are yet. I am trying to be OK with that, and trust that taking back the time to be in my creative cocoon will birth my next big vision into the world, and will inspire future classes, and will finally result in a virtual offering. And who knows, this could change at any moment subject to the Muse. I have always been told to plan 4-6 weeks for marketing; that has made me tired. And the truth is, 90% of the time 95% of my beloveds register for classes within the last week. It just seems to be how it is, and I am going with it.

Anyway loves, I invite you to spend this week shining a light on distilling down what you want to nourish into life in the next cycle, whether that cycle is a month, a season, a year, several years, or a lifetime. And then start deciding how you want to nourish those seeds and bring them into form.

Love and Light,



Lessons in Simplicity


Let's Drop the Masks..Shall We?