Meet Your Inner Muse

If you have been following me for any amount of time, you know the importance I place on (actually its non-negotiable) taking some time every day, preferably before you interact with media or the outside word, of connecting to your Inner Muse or put another way your own wisdom and information.

There is a reason for this. With all the things going on in the world right now, in the media, things that bring up all sorts of emotions and feelings. The only way to continue to do our work is to tap into our internal wisdom and landscape, and trust me doing your work in the world right now is more crucial than ever before. And yet some days it can seem more and more difficult, a questioning of whether we can make a difference, a level of trust. And it is necessary to SLOW DOWN so that our nervous systems don't short circuit. And I am seeing the short circuiting everywhere. But make no mistake, you do make a difference to yourself and every single person you come into contact with when you show up, and we can't show up for anyone else if we don't show up for ourselves first.

When I wrote two weeks ago about who and how you want to show up, one of my one on one clients really wanted to deepen into that, and so I offered her a guided visualization and some daily practices, the visualization really made a shift, and the message she received was clear and yet simple at it's essence. Almost too simple she thought, but our wisdom does not speak in long paragraphs and book length manifestas, our Muse takes it right to the essence and then it is up to you to bring that essence into your day to day.

And so I decided to share the recorded visualization with you this week. This is 15 minutes, plus maybe another 5 or 10 to journal what came up. Do not tell me you do not have the time to tap into your wisdom. We can longer afford not to, because the external world is full of noise designed to bring us out of our centers.

So I invite you to find a quiet space where you won't be interrupted, even if you have to pretend like you are sleeping so no one bothers you. After the meditation, try to journal with the inquiries I give you below. This visualization is a version of the ones I do in my live Intentional Creativity® classes to wake up your Muse and receive information that informs the art. If you want to get colored markers, pencils, pens for your journal I highly recommend that. Continuing the creativity after the visualization brings even more of your wisdom to light.

Meet Your Inner Muse

After your journey, grab your journal and sketch or write what you saw. Include the colors, the landscape, your animal guide if you had one, what your Muse looked like, and what she gave you. Then go deeper into the following inquiries if its in your joy to do so.

  • How did you feel in your body during the meditation? Were there any areas of tension or constriction? Did that shift during the journey?

  • What was your inquiry for your Muse, and what was her response? What are your initial intuitive thoughts about what she said?

  • How can you take her message and align it with your inquiry? Is it an internal shift or an external one that needs to occur?

  • How has connected with your Muse opened your perception to what's possible as it relates to your inquiry?

You can do the visualization as often as you like to receive more wisdom although I do recommend you continue with the same inquiry until that has shifted and transformed into a new way of being for you.

I would love to hear directly from you how the visualization worked out for you, what shifted, what questions you have, or if I can provide guidance to deepen into the message. To schedule time with me, I offer a complimentary connection call to all my newsletter beloveds.

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