The Illusion of Time

As I sit at my mountain getaway 45 minutes from any connection to the outside world, I know in every fiber of my being that the Mother, the Earth always provides, always takes care. She knows nothing of time, except as the seasons turn, that is her clock. The time we are so enslaved by, is nothing but an illusion and a constraint we put on ourselves in many cases. Time has become currency, the to-do list a measure of success or failure that we measure ourselves by.

Here in this place I wake up at 6:30 I blink my eyes and suddenly its 4, and all I have done is enjoyed being outside in the earth. I also realized I do not wake up thinking about a to-do list while I am here. I really haven’t done a damned thing except be present, be with myself and my loves, and it took me some effort to sit down and write this while it was cloudy, and in a moment of inspiration to communicate with anything but the land. And what has been proven to me is:

Time goes by fast whether you are doing something, or doing nothing, and doing nothing is doing something.

Here is what I KNOW, we will NEVER have the time to do ALL THE THINGS we think we have to do, but so many of those things and the amount of time we tell ourselves we have to do them are an illusion. Yes, there are things that have time constraints; showing up for work, getting your driver’s license renewed before its expiration, paying taxes by April 15th. But the truth is those are forced upon us by the man-made machine. All the rest, we enforce upon ourselves, with some made up arbitrary timeline. While I am here not thinking about my to-do list there are things that won’t get done by the time, I told myself they would. And I don’t care. They will get done, and even more powerfully now that I have given myself the time to just be.

And while we don’t want to go to the complete opposite extreme of stagnation and putting nothing out into the world, there is a balance. I know as a small business owner, I set my own timelines, often ones that throw me into overwhelm, and there is NO ONE but myself putting that pressure on myself. Yes, these are things that are in my deep heart and soul desires to put out there, to be of service, but the timelines are made up by my own mind running amok. Does that sound familiar? Does anyone hear when a tree falls in the woods? Does anyone know when you don’t launch a program by xyz date?

Yes, there is accountability and action, but when we honor our rhythms and bring them forth gradually, in Divine Timing, and when we have the most fiery action in our energies, then we don’t feel like we are racing some made-up clock, destined to lose the race.

And there is the discernment of those things on your list that are really important and really in your heart and soul desires, in your joy to bring out into the world. And so, I ask you to pull out your to-do list, and look at it with and Eagle’s eye. And start taking no prisoners and cutting out what is not needed. Start looking at where your energy is going every day and if it is where you will be as potent as you can be with the things that are most important. And put the rest on the to-don’t list. And dig very deep into yourself to learn what is truly important, that truly lights you up and lights up others,. Trust me, what needs to get done will get done. Or maybe it won’t, and the question becomes.

So what?

Is your life going to be any better or worse if you didn’t make it to Costco today? I challenge you to think life would actually be better if you didn’t. If you trusted that you have what you need, and that you spent that time with yourself, with your beloveds, just being; you will come to realize there is so much “on the list” that is not needed. And there is so much that is needed by our hearts that is not getting done by going to Costco rather than connecting to and remembering who we are.

To join in the conversation and discuss what you are ready to put on your to-don't list please come on over:

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