Sacred Risk

I have to say I really struggled with what to write this week. I have been sitting in a sea of emotions and how I can best be of service and more fully in service in the wake of the tragedy here in CO and continued unrest with our children especially teenagers all over the country. I have shed tears every day, and have watched and listened more deeply in my community locally and beyond, and looking deeply at what is triggering me, where I feel the need to be "right". I have a lot to say, I have a lot to share, but for now I am keeping it close because I don't know what will emerge, I am getting Divine downloads, but now is not the time to immediately share what is coming to me, this takes some marinating and quiet and deserves my best. But what I can continue to do is to support the women in healing themselves so they can heal others, and heal myself and hold sacred space. One thing that has evolved as I look at where teenagers are today, and how my own work and the triggers and self-sabotaging habits and the "not enoughness" all come from core wounds during those years of my life. Whether brought on externally or something of my own internal making. But more on that later. Healing our inner rebel (or good girl) teenagers is part of this work, and how we can heal several generations. I see right now we are continuing to carry on the wounds to these children, although I had hopes we had evolved. Now the wounding just appears differently and due to our immediate access to information and inability to quiet down and living in a society full of getting things done and pressure, it has reached a breaking point for all generations. Like I said I am really sitting with the words to go more deeply into this and it may just come out in a video and my writings to come. But for now I am going to go deeper into what I discussed last week because I think this is one of the keys to it. 

Who do you want to show up as? And are you willing to take some risk?

Because showing up, standing in your power and authenticity, speaking your truth, sharing your gifts, and asking for support (and receiving it) can be a risky business for our logical minds. Loving someone who you don't agree with, and releasing the need to be right can be risky business to our brains. As I have said our brains are wired to find comfort in the familiar even if that is not what our heart and soul wants, and when we think about stepping out of our comfort zone in life, relationships, physical perceived risk, money, work, anything we consider a "risk" we go into fear. When our brain is in fear it goes into reptilian mind of fight, flight or freeze. No wonder why, let's look at the dictionary definition of risk: 

1.) Risk is the possibility of losing something of value. Values (such as physical healthsocial status, emotional well-being, or financial wealth) can be gained or lost when taking risk resulting from a given action or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen (planned or not planned). 

Well; no wonder, of course we don't want to take a risk even if what is on the other side is exactly the opposite of what is stated above. We are very afraid of losing anything, even if it's something we do not need, and would serve us to lose it. And our biggest gain and growth results from the risk. And it's just a matter of discernment on how much risk we are willing to tolerate to be living in our joy and our hearts. 

So let's look at the 2nd part of this definition, I like this one better: 

2.) Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction with uncertainty.[1]Uncertainty is a potential, unpredictable, and uncontrollable outcome; risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty.

So here is the thing, whether we keep everything exactly the same, or if we intentionally engage with risk, we do not control the outcome, ever. 


Now I like the sound of that, how about you? Potential. Any time we choose to do something different there is potential. The potential if for example, you take a risk in relationship is making a really close friend, finding a sacred partner. Having a deeper experience of love. Having a person or tribe who you can be completely in your essence with. 

Or maybe you want to take a dive into uncertainty by putting out a new offering in your business and starting a business, yes there is risk, it could come in many forms, but isn't it riskier to not take the leap? 

Maybe you are a daredevil who jumps out of airplanes without blinking your eyes, but to share you truth and be vulnerable would be like death to you. Just think about how brave you are, not just in one thing, but all things? 

Because the truth is, there is no growth without risk. We are not certain and never will be about the outcome of anything. Growth is sacred, risk is sacred, living your heart and soul desires is sacred. And I will leave you with this final question? 

What's the worst that can happen?


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