What Is Your Soul Bringing Forth?

I just came back from a feminine leadership retreat with my mentor Christine..well not really, I got back a week ago, and while I thought I would "hit the ground running" because of her gift of catalyzing me and firing me up, but what was really called for was a slower integration time, and sitting with all that I learned, deepening into how I want to show up in the world, what essences make up my unique gifts in leadership, and what really wants to come forth from me at a soul level. 

I encourage all of you to take the time to deepen into this. 

May is the potent time to really sit with what your soul wants to bring into form, and how it wants to bring it as we move into the fiery, rhythmic action of the Summer Solstice. And its time to ask the bigger question, out of all the "goals", visions, dream seeds you may have visioned earlier in the year, which ones does your soul really want to put your life force behind and also ask the question: 

How do I want to show up? 

This is not just about work and business, but the question of what wants to happen and how do I want to show up are questions that can be directed towards the SELF first, then towards relationships, towards your clients, co-workers and others you work with, your family, your networks. You may decide what wants to happen right now and for the next life cycle is deep self-nourishment and backing off from work, or at least not doing something new and huge.You may decide to show up for your relationship with your partner or your family in this next cycle because that is what your soul is calling you to do. It doesn't mean perhaps you don't work at all, but that you set the conditions and look at the design of your work so that it is self-sustaining for a cycle, or that you spend the time in strategy and not so external for bringing seeds into form for early next year. How you show up and what you show to do, and where you put your life force energy is completely up to you. But it is essential to take the time to KNOW what your heart and soul desires, and to have a focused yet fluid plan, set with powerful soul intention, and May is the time of year to do to that. To get to the essence of what you want to bring into and be in the world, and take action on that. And that may be to get as simplified in your life as possible so you can be in your joy. I invite you to sit with these inquiries. And when you work this way year after year you begin to work with ease and grace, you begin to know and understand your rhythms, you begin to use nature's cycles as allies to be in fluidity coupled with right actions and right timing, so that you can self-nourish, or be with family, take that vacation, because again you have set the conditions for designing your life in cycles that honor what you need when you need it. 

Now for the second part of the question, WHO do I want to show up as? As a lover, as a leader, as a friend, as a mother, daughter, as a Divine being? This does not mean putting on different masks for different roles. It means understanding we have different and unique gifts and essences, and a knowing of which ones to stand in and bring forward for different aspects of our lives. Always in total authenticity, but being wise enough to know first what our powerful essences and gifts are and then bringing the most potent ones to the occasion. Because we can be a paradox of different facets of ourselves, but all of them come from from love and not fear of showing up as we are. 

An example of this for me, is I am a fiery, fiercely loving truth-teller, built to inspire which is my sacred assignment, however sometimes my work and my relationships call for me to just be a witness and to hold powerful space for expression and transformation and not say much of anything at all. Other times I am asked for wisdom, guidance, and mentorship, not only as my "paid" work, but sometimes as a friend, mother, and wife. Sometimes what is needed is my Creative Muse to show up fully and play like a child, paint with my hands, dance with abandon, and hold the space of creative expression. Sometimes it is leading a team to create a vision, see the patterns, and bring it into form through action, using my intuition as the guide. Notice how all of these essences are still rooted in the core of my sacred assignment, which is to inspire.

So I invite you to look at the different essences of your being, see what situations call for those different essences to come front and center, and stand in your powerful magic. I would love for you to explore how what you want to bring forth into the world in the next cycle, and how each essence can fuel those desires and begin to converge. I would love to hear what you discover. 

Love and Light, 


PS. - If you would like deeper support on these questions, I offer a complimentary 60 minute connection call to see how I can be of service. To schedule 

Schedule Connection


Sacred Risk


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