Deepening Compassion in the Hall of Mirrors

In the spiritual lineages that I have studied there is a concept called the Hall of Mirrors. It means that everything, and I mean everything from the beauty of a rose to the person who triggers you over and over again, is a reflection of you and you of them. We are all interconnected and we all have lessons to teach and learn. It means that we cannot see in others what does not exist in some way in ourselves (including all of our own various parts and selves) no matter how deeply within that part is buried. Sometimes that is a hard truth to swallow but it is truth all the same, and it gives us the opportunity to go deeper within the find the compassion for ourselves, and for others, even the ones who trigger us, or who we feel take advantage of us in some way.

I was recently honored to publish my story in a book called Ready to Fly, along with 13 other brave women who shared their stories of transformation through some of their darkest hours. None of us got to read each others' stories until the book was published. And I recognize a part of myself in every single one of their stories.

And I was humbled.

This book serves as the deepest reminder to hold compassion for all beings, the nasty waitress, the person who cuts you off in traffic, or that doesn't hold the door open for you, all of whom you want to curse out and wish a shitty day on. Just stop. You have no idea what that person is carrying with them, sometimes they are not even aware of it themselves. Yes maybe they caused you a momentary inconvenience and really pissed you off. But take that moment to reflect on whether or not you have ever done that to someone else, especially in a moment where you may have been in inner turmoil or pain, I am sure you have, we all have. So just send them compassion, and do not let it throw you off your center. Because you likely worked hard to get to where you are now, and you may be where you are now because someone gave you compassion whether you knew it or not and perhaps whether you thought you deserved it or not. And maybe, just maybe in those moments you were also able to give compassion to yourself. And this is the medicine of the hall of mirrors, and it's a daily practice of reflection.

Recently, an acquaintance posted on FB that she was only going to surround herself with positive, love and light people, and that negative people were "ugly". The moment I saw that, every single feather I have was ruffled. And that is putting it nicely. I immediately judged her for being negative and ugly herself...because as I said, you can't see something in someone else, that you can't see in yourself. I judged her for her lack of compassion, and her story of what she believes negative and ugly is and her inability to see that sometimes people are in pain, and they are not inherently negative. And that while you may not want to surround yourself with people who bring you down, you can still love and show them compassion without getting caught up in their drama.In fact, you can use love and compassion to raise another's vibration and help them move from a dark and negative place if they are open to it and you are willing to be in that space with them. All of these things are true but in that moment I was in a place of spiritual arrogance myself, a holier than thou attitude.

I had to hold up the mirror.

I had to ask how was I judging this person for judging others because I was in fact sitting in judgement myself, no matter how honorable I thought my feelings were, and how deeply I believe we should be sending everyone, ourselves first, compassion and yet I was not sending it to her. How many times have I said I only want to be around high vibe people, without instead helping to lift the people up who need it most, the ones who are struggling, the ones who are maybe having a "negative" moment. All of which is just a perception and an illusion anyway.

Which leads me to the other smoky mirror we often get caught up in.


Yes that is right, whenever you are comparing yourself to someone else, thinking they are better ,more accomplished, more talented, more beautiful, it is because you know at the deepest levels you are all of those things you are comparing yourself to and more. As I said, you cannot see in others what does not exist in you, but maybe you are hiding those parts of yourself. So I ask you to look in the mirror and see your beauty. Your perfection. Your wholeness. And let it shine. Inspire yourself.

I would to hear how you can walk through the hall of mirrors with intention and to use the mirror as a way to grow and shine. To join the conversation in deepening on this subject hop on over to Amused Woman Circle.

To read the amazing stories of the women I am honored to be in Ready to Fly-Volume II with, either come on down to Amused Woman for a signed copy or purchase one on Amazon.

Ready to Fly


What Is Your Soul Bringing Forth?


Nourishing Freedom