Nourishing Freedom

I have been sitting lately with what it means to be spiritually free and what freedom means to me. The differences between the freedoms most of us enjoy on the physical plane vs. allowing the spirit and soul to flow freely through my heart while still in this body and mind I have been given this time around on the planet. Sometimes these things are intrinsically linked and sometimes they are not. I wonder about these things. What am I doing to keep my body and mind feeling safe or under the guise of freedom, that is in fact imprisoning my soul and spirit? What parts of my Divinely given essences was I given to actually learn the lessons I need to learn in this current dimension. How do I nourish freedom in my body, mind and spirit all at the same time, when sometimes it feels like all of my "bodies" are asking for different things? And yet they are not, that separation and fragmentation is just an illusion.

I am curious, do you wonder about these things or is it just me?

Do you ever explore what freedom means to you on all levels?

I was Divinely given a sharp mind and a quick tongue, I am pretty sure I was talking from the moment I left the womb. My parents and grandparents called me motor mouth.Speaking and writing and expressing is the work I do in the world to bring about my own healings and transformations, and my mission is to hold that space through safe expression for others. These are the gifts I have been given, and I have learned not to ignore them, but to make them as potent as possible. But what that means is it is very, very difficult to slow down and just listen. But that is the nourishment my heart and soul need, and so I do it, as a practice, even though it is difficult and uncomfortable. And through that comes a certain level of freedom, because I do the best I can to provide myself the nourishment I need, but it hasn't always been this way, and I still have deep work to do, especially around what my body is asking for.

Freedom to me is being comfortable with discomfort and doing it anyway.

I speak almost every week on the importance of slowing down, getting quiet, listening, trusting. I don't know that I have ever mentioned how damned hard that actually is for me. So I understand deeply why it may be hard for you, and I am here to tell you, do it anyway, and that I am here to guide you through the difficult times, and celebrate the awakened, a-ha moments. Part of my story is that I used to drink and party heavily, as a way to get out of my own head, to stop the noise for even one freaking moment. But when we do those things, we are not only getting out of our heads, we are also leaving our bodies, and for sure leaving our souls. There is nothing freeing about it.

And so, through being with myself, I have found freedom. These practices are non-negotiable, because I will not go back to the way I was living before. The practices of connecting to myself, my Divine, my creativity through art and self-expression and ALLOWING that to happen despite how hard it can be sometimes is nowhere near as hard as living with the shell of myself when I was in self-sabotage and fear mode. Cultivating deep love for self and others is the freedom. Spending time and life force focus on things my heart and soul desires is the freedom. Using my gifts to express through speaking, writing, art is the freedom, but more importantly knowing when to quiet it all down, is the freedom.

I would love to hear from you, what freedom means to you, and how you nourish that state of freedom.

In support of you, I have a Rise Above Painting class coming up to explore through visualization, sound, and paint what freedom means and feels like for you. And I will also be speaking about it all week in the Amused Woman Circle group, I would love for you to join in the conversation.

Paint Your Freedom


Deepening Compassion in the Hall of Mirrors


Presence, Devotion, Discipline