Who Do You Trust?
When you think of trusting with all of your being who comes to mind?
Was your answer ME first and foremost, or did you rattle off the names of several other people, structures, systems?
It comes as no surprise that we do not name ourselves first, we were never taught how to trust ourselves. From an early age we were told how to be, do, act, look, feel or not feel. We were told to trust people, systems, and structures, outside of ourselves. When we made mistakes, we were told the RIGHT way we should have done something.
We were never taught how to listen to our own wisdom.
And while we can and should trust others in particular our own parents and caregivers, they too were not taught to trust themselves, and so they passed on the stories of how we should operate, live, and behave.
And so as women beginning to awaken we are coming to realize that this has been a disservice to us, perhaps not intentional, but not learning to listen to ourselves has caused us to make choices that are not always in our highest integrity. Many of us don't even know what our own heart and soul desires are, or what brings us into total alignment. We must learn to trust our own information and tune into our own heart's wisdom and intuition. We must learn to discern the truth of who we are, not what someone or something else wants us to be.
I invite you to take a breath, quiet down and take 3-5 minutes and write down what you have done or are currently doing because someone or something else expects it of you, but it does not make you shine or bring you joy.
Then I want you to ask yourself, how is this serving me? You might say it isn't, but it must be serving you in some way or you would not be doing it. Then ask yourself what is the cost to me to continue doing this? And lastly, pick one thing on the list and ask what new reality you want to create and what is one small inspired action you can take this week to create it. I want to hear all about your experience doing this practice.
I had the blessing of spending time this past week with several different groups of women, and I listen, I observe, and I hear the subtle words that tell me when a woman does not trust herself.
I hear doubt that stops women from taking action, or doubt that causes her energy to be fragmented all over the place.
I hear an inability to make choices and decisions, or the opposite making self-sabotaging choices, or putting everyone ahead of herself.
I hear about the anxiety and worry women are living with, as opposed to calm and confidence.
I hear a lot of concern over what other people think, or asking anyone and everyone their opinion before making a decision.
I hear that women do not know how (or take the time to) quiet down and listen to what their Inner Wisdom is communicating, or does hear but doesn't trust it, and regrets not listening to her intuition.
I want to say, we have all gone through this, and so there is no reason to judge it, but to witness and observe, then shift and transform.
But in my heart I know things can be different, because through many years of work, and the blessings of teachers and lineages that I have had the privilege of working with. I have learned to trust my Inner Wisdom first, and then co-create my heart and soul desires with the Divine, with nature, and with my sacred partner, my child, and all of my other beloveds.
There is a difference between co-creation and letting someone or something else take the reigns of your life.
Co-creation is listening to your wisdom, discerning what is in your highest good, and setting your intent. Then you ask for guidance and support from your Divine and your partnerships. It is a very different energy than allowing others to make your decisions for you, or not listening to your own intuition and only listening to the monkeys in your head that thrive on fear and doubt.
I feel so deeply about this subject because when women can step into trusting themselves above anything and anyone else they are more able to fully show up to their lives and shine their gifts, and when they can trust themselves and the Divine, they can more fully trust others, and be more open to receiving and giving love. So at the end of 2017 I embarked upon a six month journey of creating a program called She Trusts which is a 9 month journey (because it takes 9 months to birth something new) in which I weave all of my wisdom and lineages of teachings into an offer that teaches women how to trust themselves first, then the Divine and the natural world, and each other. Because we need to begin trusting each other so we can co-create magic in the world and learn to support each other. The program weaves teachings, wisdom, inner practices, visualizations, art, movement, mystery and whatever else the muse decides. There will be both an in -person and online option to join me on this journey beginning in September.
The Muse is putting the finishing sparkly touches on the official invitation, but if She Trusts is something that is speaking to you, I do invite you to be added to the notification list and you will the first group of women to receive the invitation. I also always open up one on one time to discuss if my offerings are in resonance for you.