Taking My Own Medicine First

Some of you know that most years I engage in a program of study, for my own personal growth and then to add to the medicine basket for my beloveds. And so I always take the medicine first before I share it. This year I am on the journey of becoming a Path of Self Love Guide which is through the Path of Self Love School and founded by Christine Arylo...I will tell the story on how things come full circle with some teachers at another time. Suffice to say she has been in my "field" for many years. 

I have completed the Foundations Module which is all about the strengthening the branches of our self-love tree of which there are 10. Now I am in the relationship module, because first we have to show up for ourselves before we can truly show up for others, and to choose only relationships that are in our highest good.


So now I sit with how am I or HOW AM I NOT showing up to relationship? As I delve into the different levels of relationships I realized in many ways I have isolated myself over the past decade or so. Or relationships have just shifted and changed, release and moved on, and I never refilled the cup. I am blessed to have a deep relationship with my sacred partner, and all is well on that front, and with my child, and a very small few other people. 

There was a time for my own healing and inner journey that I had to be very internal and very discerning about who I spent my time with, because quite frankly I was dancing with the shadow self, and no one needed to see that, because it wasn't pretty. And I did not need any external input while I was going through my healing process. And as I emerged from that, I realized a lot of people were no longer there, either because they were tired of me saying no, or because they did not understand the emergence from my journey. They may have actually preferred my darkness to my light being shiny and bright. And that is often the result of going on deep spiritual journeys, people leave. I am OK with that. 

But now here I am emerged for the moment, very visible, very authentic and I have learned to love and show my shadow and my light, and I realize I am ready to bring people back into the circles of friendship and common loves, deep discussions, and women to lean on. Because I am taking the medicine of building relationships. Not just work, not just clients, students and beloveds, But friends. I am ready, and I am out of hiding. Will you join me? 

My question and inquiry to you this week, is where, how and what have you been hiding? Are you ready to step out into the light? Are you ready to share your journey with other like minded souls? How have you isolated in order to protect yourself? And are you willing to open your heart and let some people in? 

Inquiring minds want to know.


A Little Gift on Trust


Who Do You Trust?