You Get What You Ask For

Last week I said I was preparing to go behind the veils, and so it is. I had no choice but to do just that as I was in bed sick all week. I saw it as a blessing, the Universe jumpstarted my wish to go internal, by forcing me to. It does mean I had to move and dance with some things in my schedule, but it gave me a real opportunity to first; be fully in my body, second to rest, because apparently I needed it, and last to quiet the OTHER voice in my head that keeps telling me:

You can't go internal for two months, what if you miss something?

FOMO- Fear of Missing Out. I believe that is one of the biggest reasons as women we put ourselves into overwhelm, especially during the holidays. We are afraid to say no, what if we miss something? What if we don't make our revenue numbers, what if we don't make ours goals for this year,what if all of the connections I spent all year making forget about me, What if my friends or family get upset with me? What if, What if, What if?

What if you spent your time in joy and harmony with yourself, and with others only if it makes your heart sing?

What if spending time in stillness and quiet allowed you to unleash your sparkle and really listen to what you and your beloveds desire so that next year you make even more magic?

Each morning I have a practice I do before I get out of bed and those of you who have worked with me or been in class with me have learned it, I received this wisdom from my teacher Christine Arylo. I invite you all to try it for 40 days and see if it shifts things. When you do this before you are fully awake, you are able to more readily hear what your heart and spirit has to say. So take a deep breath, a stretch, and put one hand on your heart, and one on your belly and ask the following:

  • How much energy do I have to give today? Intuit a number between 1-100. Anything lower than 75 means you should really limit the amount of external energy output. Under 50 means, seriously, don't give much energy, under 40 means danger zone, you don't have it to give, and shit will fall apart unless you nourish yourself.

  • What do I need to receive today? See above...this is what you need to receive in order to feel nourished. Make sure whatever you need, you get either from yourself or your support structures.

  • What do I need to hear today? Pay attention, these are the words you need to hear from YOU

  • What do I need to know today? These are the signs and symbols to slow down and pay attention to, they often inform your path.

So, this week as I have done my practice and have danced with what my mind and ego are saying vs. what my heart and spirit are saying I desire to do; which is to go behind the veils, complete things including a whole bunch of paintings, simplify and organize my closet and the studio, be fully creative in putting what I have visioned for next year into form, and creating some foundational things like the next version of my website and my local presence; here is what my spirit keeps saying I need to hear:

Slow down, you aren't missing anything, in fact the slower your become the more magic will present itself to you. The more connections you will make.

And so it is. So I continue to invite you to slow down. I know I sound like a broken record, but seriously if you don't slow down and pay attention, even for a few minutes each day, YOU WILL MISS THE MAGIC! You will miss the subtle messages from you soul that will guide and direct you towards the path of your dreams and desires. Toward joy, love and connection, and isn't that what we all are here for and what we really want?

I also invite you to begin contemplating on some words around how you want to feel next year. Beyond the goals, and to-do lists, how do you want to feel? I usually have three words or a phrase that forms my power mantra for each year. This year the word that has come so far is:

Numinous-"arousing spiritual emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring"

I would love to hear a word or two that intuitively comes that you can really FEEL in your body, and how you want to walk through the world in 2019.

Love and Light,


PS I am excited and proud to announce that I made the Spirit Woman Top 12 List for the Fall- If you click on the image you will be introduced to the other 11 amazingly spirited women that made the list. The list will be available on November 13th.


Celebrate Your Completion!


Going Behind the Veils