Going Behind the Veils
I hope you enjoyed Halloween/Samhain if you celebrated and took a moment to honor your ancestors. Now the wheel turns, the harvest has been brought in and it is time for nature to go dormant and fallow in order to REST and prepare for re-emergence in the spring. Sometimes seeds and bulbs are planted now because they need the darkness and the FREEZE in order to germinate. This is my favorite time of year!
So what does that mean for us human beings? Same thing, if we honor our lives as cycles in harmony with nature. It is time to pause, reflect, and nourish ourselves, and yet our society actually throws us into consumerism madness during this time of year, saying yes to everything and going into overwhelm. But our spirits were not made for this, although I do have to say I am SUPER-EXCITED about Hallmark Christmas movies. But that is because of the idea of curling up in a blanket, with cocoa and a fire, and taking a pause.
So I am going behind the veil from Mid-Nov to Mid-Jan!
Does that mean I won't be working at all? No but what it does mean is that I will be working less and those things I am doing are in support of all of you to take time to celebrate what we have done and to reflect on our dreams and desires leading into next year. I am able to do this with fluidity because I don't work with the idea that there is a hard stop and all goals need to be met by December 31st, and then create a whole new set of goals on January 1st. No wonder we feel overwhelmed. Those of you that have worked with me know that I look at each season and cycle to see what can be let go of, and what continues forward into the next cycle. What I want to put my energy and intention into and what has already been seeded. Visioning in January actually puts us into an immediate feeling of stress and overwhelm, but when you continually look at your vision throughout the year, you already know what you are putting into place from January through March, because you planted those seeds last spring and you have been nourishing and caring for them all summer and now harvesting in Autumn, and bringing forth into the next year what was already visioned. So taking this time at least for me at this point in the year is not only necessary for my sanity, but for my spirit. It also means I can reflect on what support I need in my work, spiritual, and home life. It gives me time to create the curriculum and details for what I have visioned, so I can create art that feeds my soul and gives me the creative ideas I need to offer you all my medicine.
So I am inviting you, if you have not already done so, to look at your visions for your life, work, and relationships, celebrate, and reflect on what will be carried forward, and take action NOW to bring things into form for January through March. Look at what support structures you need to have in place to be in flow and fluidity. And then take a pause! Go behind the veils, to replenish yourself. It may not be for two full months, because it does take a year of working the way I do to begin to be in this type of cycle where you can do that. But promise me, you will take some time during the darkness to go internal and really listen to what you need to receive, what your heart and soul desires are, so that you are only doing things that support your dreams and desires.
As for what work I am doing in the next two months to support my beloveds, I have one class specifically for Wellness Practitioners, I have a Solstice Celebration in partnership with Crystal Blue an amazing Sounder Healer will be here using the gongs, drums, and bowls, to drop us into the reflective state and bring us all into alignment. I will have my regular art journaling days, and then re-emerge in January with a circle that will helps us Illuminate and clarify our intents and heart and soul desires. I also continue my one on one work with any of you who would like support in Weaving your Vision, accessing your creativity, and learn to live in this way of honoring the cycles.
To learn what I have happening feel free to visit the calendar https://www.dinatibbs.com/calendar