Celebrate Yourself!
I am going to keep this fairly brief.I am just coming off a week of focused creation for a talk I gave on Saturday, and now I am on a high and celebrating a bit. So for this week I want to keep it simple:
Celebrate Yourself!
Celebrate yourself for being you, even the parts you don't like. Celebrate yourself for being present. Celebrate yourself for showing up to this Cosmic Party we call life. Because this year has not been easy, just showing up and waking up to existence every day can seem monumental. Celebrate yourself for doing hard things. And celebrate yourself for letting go of things you realized were never important at all..and some that were very important. Celebrate yourself for not velcroing your kids to the wall. Celebrate the many gifts that have evolved from this difficult time. Trust me there are gifts in all of this, slow down long enough to see them.
Your presence is the gift, celebrate it!
it may be hot, dry or steamy where you live, but in the seasonal cycle we have moved from the first harvest on August 1st. towards the 2nd on the Fall Equinox. A time to celebrate all that you have nourished and "harvested" this year. And while this year is one where it may not seem like you harvested anything..you have! I invite you to take a moment to be with that, slow down and really honor all that you have done and become this year, even if it wasn't what you visioned in January. And even (and maybe especially) if no one else "saw" what you did or recognized you for it. Because many of us were coming back to home, hearth and heart this year. And that in and of itself is something to celebrate and be grateful for. That is where the medicine truly is.
We are also moving into Virgo time, my favorite as it is my Sun sign, and it will be time to really focus your energy, bring what is left to be completed this year into completion and plant Fall seeds for next year in order to take some reflection time during the darkness between October 31 and December 21st. I will be hosting a virtual gathering and creative process around the Fall Equinox (Sept. 21st) to guide you to bringing your life force focus and energy into what is important for the rest of this year and the first part of 2021. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you want to come celebrate yourself, I am always throwing a celebration party where we honor each other for wherever we are on our path, and hold space for each other. Not to mention share our superpowers with each other over on my private FB Group and I would love to have you join us.