From Pain to Play

I started a newsletter two weeks ago, that I tried to add to for this week, but I don't think it will make the light of day. At least not now. It got a little heavy, even a little angry with everything that is going on in the world right now. And I am feeling it, and being with the feelings, knowing many of us are feeling this way. And yet, I stopped and asked myself the question before I sent it out. How can you send something that is in alignment with your sacred assignment (because this doesn't feel like it), how can YOU move from this place into integrity with your assignment? My assignment on this planet is to inspire. And yet I am finding it difficult to be inspired and TO INSPIRE during these difficult times, without first being with and moving through the other emotions I am feeling. That is what's true. So how do I bring in the feeling of inspiration when I am not feeling it? To move out of the heaviness and into the lightness for myself first and then hopefully you too? There is only one answer. 

I needed to play. 

So how does one play when they are feeling the pain of the world, and more importantly how does one play without feeling guilty when there is so much pain in the world? That is what I have been sitting with. And so I made the choice to just play, not as a way to spiritually bypass but to turn on the music and dance, and elevate myself. Because the truth is, I cannot be of service to anyone without elevating myself and inspiring myself. And at this time I have to be of service. We all do in whatever way that means for us. It could be big or it could be small. For me playing could mean playing in the shadows and then bringing it up into the light. And that is just what happened, first the music went on, and it was angry, let it all out, shake it all off energy. Move it through, move it out. Then I switched it up, put on my favorite play music (which is classic disco by the way, She's a Bad Mamma Jamma being a favorite) and started to slowly have fun, have a smile on my face and laugh at myself. Because although there is a lot we can take seriously, the last thing I need to take seriously is myself. And I am oh so good at taking myself seriously. Because I have important work to do ya know? But I couldn't do any work until I started to dance, laugh, and play. And as I did, my spirits began to lift, I was able to see things more clearly. I became inspired. 

Play can be difficult for many of us, most of us in fact. That is a whole Inner Child teaching in and of itself (which someone inspired me the other day to create a fun class that is in the works), but many of us don't even remember HOW to play. For a million different reasons. Some of us weren't even playful as children (check). So how do we cultivate play? How do we let go of the fear of "looking stupid?" (That answer is alone until you are comfortable playing with others...which happens quickly once you realize how transformative it actually is.) 

Here are some tips on cultivating more play:

  1. List the things you loved to do as a child, pick one and do it. Don't worry about looking silly. 

  2. If you have young ones, play with them, but be fully present...not wondering if you have emails or to-do lists to attend to. That will still be there later. 

  3. Read your favorite story from childhood, immerse yourself in it. Dr. Suess is an amazing way to lift your spirits. 

  4. Dress in a costume or something ridiculous. (triple dog dare is go out to the grocery store that way, and put a smile on other's faces...we are seeing a lot of dinosaur costumes during the social won't even be looked at strangely during these strange times, OK you might but I bet they are smiling under their masks)

  5. Skip down the street instead of walking. 

  6. Dance! Sing if you like to sing....or even if you don't. 

  7. Play a game...preferably one designed for kids not adults. NO

  8. There are countless ways to play! 

I would love to hear some of your favorites! And I would love to you to take me up on my dare and play more! Let me know how you felt afterwards and if you felt any transformation within your being. 

Love and Light, 



“When I am silent I have thunder hidden inside.”


What the Amused Woman is Up To