Do You Suffer From Analysis Paralysis? Tips for Making Intuitive and Aligned Choices

I decided to create a video for you this week on making aligned and graceful choices from our intuition instead of going into analysis paralysis and perfection-itis. I feel so many of us are at crossroads and thresholds in our lives, particularly since so many of us have faced changes, challenges and shifts we couldn't even dream of at the beginning of 2020. But the truth is we are always at choice points in our lives, so I shared some tips for tapping into what your Inner Wisdom already knows, and making aligned choices and honoring them. I hope you enjoy! 

A link to learn more about the 7 Universal Laws

Here are two ways to go more deeply into these teachings, and making choice from your Inner Authority. 

  • Private FB Group where we can connect and share with each other about these teachings. 

Amused Woman Circle

  • 6 Module Course on The Art of Standing in Your Sovereignty where you learn how to make intuitive choices for your highest good, take radical responsibility for your impact on self and others, and step more deeply into your power by understanding why and how you leak it. 

Art of Standing in Your Sovereignty

Love and Light, 



Are You the Over-Commitment Queen?


It's Good to Be The Queen: The Art of Standing in Your Sovereignty