Who Do You Think You Are!!???
Or more likely:
Who in the hell do you think you are?
Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you ever said it to yourself? Has it been said when you were being completely, authentically you, in your essence? (The light and/or the shadow of it). And how did it feel? Did you shrink and put your invisibility cloak on, or did you say "fuck you", and yet even that shifted you from your love essence into something you are not. Have you said it to yourself when you were shining your light, sharing your gifts, speaking your truth, standing in your sovereignty? Have you said to yourself, who do I think I am to be sharing xyz or being xyz?
I know I have, and it most certainly has been said to me...no surprise there.
And what happens when we begin to listen to and question those external and internal voices, is we begin to forget who it is we are, or we don our invisibility cloak or become some big fiery bitch and burn everything in our paths and harden our hearts, and hide our true essences until we don't even know who we are; not at our soul level.
Or we take on roles and assume that is who we are.
Not to say all roles are bad, some roles are amazing, some not so much. Motherhood, doing our sacred work, wife, daughter, friend, partner, can all be amazing, but they are just roles, and we begin to attach our personalities to them, and forget our own essences that are at the center of it all. Those roles are not who we are at the deepest levels. And when we forget our essences we become over-identified to the role, and when the role doesn't bring us joy we begin to feel out of alignment. Sometimes it shows up as depression, anxiety, overwhelm, addiction, and isolation. But when we remember who we are at a soul level, shine in it, and stand in it, it doesn't matter what we are or aren't doing, because we are just being the Divine essences and beings we were born to be.
I have been dreaming into teaching a "cheeky" creative journey around this subject for nearly two years. But I waited and marinated, until I felt the collective community begin to express this. And twice this week it happened. Two women in my community used those very words, and so it's time. I want to share with permission the words from my dear Soul Sister Sara Frame.
First, I want to say how much I love my sacred work, I got to spend two and half days with two of the most amazing and conscious women I have ever met. We were exploring what it means to be sovereign and painted our Inner Queens. When the weekend began Sara used those words "who the hell do you think you are." And because my classes are meant to transform what women are sitting with, and painting the new story, here was what Sara's Queen had to say.
"I unleash the magic of who I am upon the world. Who am I to keep it hidden?"
My entire body lit up and tingled when she said this. Because the truth is, who are we to keep our gifts, essences and our magic hidden? There are some in the spiritual teaching realms who say keeping our gifts and our essences hidden for no one to see or learn from or heal from is selfish. I tend to agree. We were Divinely given who and what we are, and even though the world in which we live (and our pesky minds) would love for us to forget who we are, we are waking up, we are ready to remember. And it's time to forgive ourselves for forgetting. We all have something to share, and to stand in that, light it up, and share who we truly are is what the world needs in order to heal, even if it's one person at a time. And we do that through listening, and then self-expressing in ways that feel good to us, bring us joy, and allow us to be in our essences and be seen.
And so, thanks to Sara (and another dear sister) for finally lighting the spark on what I would like to bring into form around this subject. Because it is truly my deepest desire to see every woman (and man) remember, shine, and share their essences. I would like even more for our children to never forget, but we need to show them the way. We can't show them until we embrace our own, and stop putting our stories on them. (A subject for a whole other Oprah).
I am just visioning into this, and it will likely be in January. Because at least for me, it is very important that my visions, goals, and intentions for the year are INFUSED with my essence. And I would like for you to bring your essences into your visions as well. Because your visions and goals are YOU bringing YOU into form, they are your self-expression.
So for this week, I would love for you to sit with and recall the times "who do you think you are" has been said to you or by you, and what is your response? I would love to hear what comes up for you.
Love and Light,
PS. The Who Do You Think You Are? workshop will likely include some discovery practices on finding your essences, visioning them in form, and then gathering to share and discuss and step into them. It will definitely include some art that brings your essence into form, and you stepping in and self-expressing your essence in any way that feels yummy to you. Costumes may be involved, and general singing, dancing, and merry-making. If you would like to receive the invitation when it is ready, please sign up below and you will be the first to know before it goes public.