Time for Re-Balancing

As we turn the wheel towards Autumn it is a time to celebrate those things we are harvesting that we planted seeds for last Spring, and even perhaps even last Fall. Please take a moment to review all you have done and become, and honor yourself. Sit in deep gratitude for those things that came to fruition, and even those things that didn't or maybe even died on the vine. They perhaps weren't meant to be in this season of your life and that is OK. Everything is as it should be and in perfect harmony.

I can feel this shift in seasons as a call to move from the fiery action of summer into the cooler, darker dreamscape of Autumn. My body, mind and spirit are all calling for a pause, and a reflection. I know you are feeling it too, because it is what we naturally want to do, it is what is in rhythm down to our bones and DNA. However, most of us resist the call to slow down, as a matter of fact, many of us completely ignore the call; ignore the whispers.

Please Don't Ignore the Pause

Allow yourself this time at the Autumnal Equinox (Sept. 23rd in the Northern Hemisphere) to pause and think about what you may want to bring into balance. Create an altar honoring your harvest, and plant the seeds that need the nourishment of the soil, and yes the darkness in order to sprout next spring. But here is the thing, you can't plant seeds if you don't clear out some of the dead debris in your garden. So it's time to shine a light on and get truthful about what is out of balance in your life, what feels incoherent, and begin to re-calibrate and re-commit to your self awareness practice.

Be a Rebel and Choose to Step Out of the Hustle

I find that when I slow down to take stock of what is out of balance, for me it is usually that I have been too external, I have been too swept up by the collective "fear and scarcity" model of doing business and life. I have been paying attention to the "wrong" things, instead of the messages of my Inner Wisdom and my body. By the end of the summer I can feel myself getting a bit snarky and short, wanting to respond to things that really are of no concern to me. External stories, madness matrix marketing, and being in the hustle instead of the flow. And so I deeply welcome this time of year when I very naturally move out of that state through my seasonal practice and allow for the deep listening and visioning. And at this time of year my visioning generally has little to do with what I want to "do" but more around how I want to "feel" and "be". And that is what I mean by being a rebel. I am choosing to gracefully dance out of the hustle and connect in ways that are more meaningful, true, and deep, because the hustle we all see and absorb out there in social media land is really nothing but an illusion. The messages I keep getting are "make the old new again, they are ready." I am not exactly sure what that means but I have an idea, and it likely means I will keep being with that message and how it will emerge from now until Winter Solstice and beyond.

That is my Re-calibration

Autumn for me each year is like getting a tune up and a tire balance so I can run smoothly through the holiday season and winter. So, beloveds I am going to ask you to take a pause, light an orange candle, create some space, and reflect on would like to come back into balance. Here are a few journal prompts to get you started:

  • Slow down, breath, tap into your body and ask, "how am I feeling right now?" "What am I noticing, and am I noticing a shift as the season changes?"

  • Check in with your physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual bodies, and ask if anything feels out of balance? If so, what?

  • How can I bring these things back into balance? List all the things your Inner Wisdom is saying, and calling for you to do. Do you need to rest? Nourish your body differently? Slow down? Spend more time in contemplation? Read inspiring things? Go on a social media diet? List anything and everything that come up.

  • Choose one thing from each "body" that you would like to commit or re-commit to in order to feel more aligned.

  • Ask what you need to release, complete, delegate, or say no to, in order to make the space to do these things. Be brutally honest here.

  • Pull out your calendar, and make a commitment RIGHT NOW to do those things your heart and soul desires is calling for. Even if that means putting a date in to literally do nothing (because doing nothing is doing something).

  • Make a promise to yourself and write it down, to honor your Inner Wisdom's requests.

Trust me, you will not regret doing this, in fact I will challenge you that there is nothing more important on your to-do list than making a commitment to yourself. It will shine through and shift everything you are doing in the external world to a more fluid and flowing state, and will actually open up the possibilities for your life in brand new ways. You will also come to realize you do not miss (nor will anyone else) all those to-do items. Because what needs to get done will get done with more ease and grace, and what doesn't need to get done won't....and it doesn't matter.

As always loves, I am here to witness you, reflect for you, hold space for you, and even challenge you if you need that, to stay in harmony with yourself.

Love and Light,


I will be sharing more deeply on this, and perhaps share a creative practice, this week in my Amused Woman Circle, I would love for you to join us.

Amused Woman Circle


Who Do You Think You Are!!???


{Horse Wisdom} Good Enough