Take a Walk on the Wildside
She was afraid of heights
but she was much
more afraid of never flying.-Atticus
The theme this month for me is the fiery creative action I have been in for most of the summer, but this moon I am taking it deeper into wildly creative, passionate, and untamed connection with self, with my love, with others. It is the time to embrace our wildness whatever that means for us. Which is vastly different for all of us. For some running with scissors is a wild act, for others dancing naked and howling at the moon might be the wild thing, or it could be stepping out of hiding and shining your light more brightly, and becoming more visible. Whatever it is for you:
Now is the time to embrace your wild side.
Humans all have a wild-side, a primal brain that evolutionarily speaking with still have for a reason. But for women, it has been repressed/suppressed/oppressed (pick your pression) for a really, really long time. I won't get into all the whys or all the blaming, but suffice it to say, it is time for us to step into that wild, primal, untamed being that lives within is. It is time to embrace that fiery spark in our hearts so that we can bring more of ourselves to OURSELVES most importantly, but also to the world. And this is scary, for so, so many reasons. But when we tap into that wildness; magic happens, creations happen, we become magnetic, we feel free, we feel connected to our bodies and sensual centers. We EXPAND instead of contract. And we do so without apology. Or at least that is my goal.
Being untamed and wild is tapping into who we are at our deepest levels and at ALL levels. Body, mind, spirit, emotions, did I say BODY? This is the energy that brings us most in tune with and in love with the skin suit we have been given. It is feeling into all the pleasure and the pain of the past, the past of not loving ourselves and/or the shame we have carried; burning that shit down, and stepping into the pleasure that is our Divine birthright to feel.
What is you relationship with your wild side? Do you have one?
Are you afraid of what is under those layers of the good girl mask you wear, or is your relationship with Wild more like mine? I wore my Wild Child persona like a badge of honor, but this wasn't true wildness, this was the distorted version, that self-sabotaged, and rather than actually connecting with my body and feelings, I numbed them out, drank heavily and partied hard so I could "let my hair down", let my inhibitions down. But the truth is that was not my wild side, that was the side trying to hide what was really underneath, it was like wearing a cheap suit when underneath the surface is Versace. That was using my body as a weapon of mass destruction, not as a vehicle of primal creative energy that shined my true self and my total power. That was me not walking in LOVE.
And what about the Good Girl? If that is you, how has she served you? Has she protected you? How is that working out? How connected do you feel to what is truly inside of you? What is yearning to come out, and are you willing to say good bye to the good girl if that means you can step into who you are in your fullness and be comfortable in your own skin? What if the people around you see the real you, and leave you? That is the biggest fear isn't it? But my biggest fear is living my whole life not being who I truly am for the sake of comfort.
So here I am at almost 48 sitting with how I can be more wild, without self-sabotaging, how can I be my most Divinely primal, loving, magical self? is it wearing a feather boa to the grocery store? Doing that naked, howling dance in the moonlight? Is it spending time lovingly caring for and adorning my body? Is it treating life as a seduction? All of the above. Because I can say for me I have ignored this side of myself for far too long, because of my fear of going back to the old WILD self that definitely no longer serves me. And so I have been holding back.
How about you? Can you make a commitment to explore what wild means for you? What small act can you take to be a little more wild? Are you willing to try and experiment and see how it makes you feel? How it shifts the world around you? How it magnetizes you? I would love to hear your thoughts, your experiments.
Love and Light,
PS. I have an upcoming class 8/17/19 in the Denver Studio called Diva X which is all about connecting with your body and listening to it through a painting process, shedding old stories about your body, and learning how to connect more deeply with it, through inquiry, journaling, painting, and movement. I would love to have you join me while we get a little wild with canvas and paint.