Dare to Dream...On Your Terms
Yes it is now the dreaming time…not December; continue to give yourself the spaciousness to dream, and not put the pressure on to have a big vision and a giant set of goals and to-do lists. December was the releasing time and being OK with clearing out your bullshit to make space for your dreams.AND that also doesn’t mean the dream has to be big, huge, epic or any of the other things you see out on the interwebs, You don't have to "crush" goals, because often that means you are crushing your dreams..and usually that is where the incoherence lies, the fact that we are really still in the dark as to what our dreams actually ARE. Maybe the idea that you have to have a huge vision, giant dream with a list of to-do's in order to meet that supposed dream (and yet you are miserable doing all the stuff) is the BS you needed to clear, I know it was for me. And maybe your dreams are much more simple that what you think they are. Big dreams, or small dreams; they are your dreams, no one else's. So I invite you to dream on your terms.
If you have been reading me for a while, you know I have been asking you to just sit in the unknown and release in December. I would love to hear what has come up, what you have released, and what is emerging from your Inner Wisdom.
One of the things that became clear in 2019, with all of my work with women in circle, in art classes, and in one on one sessions, and what I heard over and over again, is that women (and men) never learned how to dream, or were given permission to dream, or had their dreams ripped out from under them for a whole host of reasons. And all they wanted was to KNOW how, or REMEMBER how to dream.
It's Time to Dream On Your Terms
And I have learned a few things about visioning, dreaming, goal setting, and manifesting. And what I know is it can be as simple or as complex and BIG as you want or as simple as you want..but just DREAM what is yours to weave. I also know you have the power to manifest things into your life, and still not feel complete or present. So when everyone is out there busy doing visioning workshops, I am saying no, it's still time to dream, and its definitely time to discover why you are here on this planet, what your assignment is, and to be at choice for saying yes or no to the assignment. But beware; if you say no, you will continue to feel out of alignment, no matter how many of your "visions" you bring into form, or how many "goals" you crush. So here are some things from my experience that I know. And I have achieved most, if not all, of my "goals", and still felt incomplete, until I shifted my way of being, and continue to do the deep work, which for me right now, is simplicity, and at the same time mythic. In this moment I don't know fully what that means; but I have ideas. For sure it seems like a paradox, but I love a challenging paradox. So here is what I have learned, take it, leave it, but I invite you to sit with it, and see if it resonates.
Dreams can birth visions, and visions can birth dreams. But they are mutually exclusive. The journey to reach both/either needs to bring you joy every day and allow you to be present and not just wishing for the future or lamenting the past. Find a way to live your dream(s) or vision on a daily basis.
Any vision that is alignment with your soul and your sacred assignment is not a one year deal, it is a lifetime. The vision is relatively static if you are in clarity and look back at your past life, your present life, and your future life. You do NOT need to create a new vision every January. That is a ridiculous amount of pressure, and means that if your Vision is all new every year...then your visions are really just goals, and a means to an end, which takes you out of the joy of day to day life. (When I took an inventory, I realized my vision has never changed, it was always connected to my assignment which I was not aware of at the time, and when I surrendered to both, the magic happened).
Dreams can be wildly outlandish, or very simple. You get to decide, and there is magic in a dream of just "being" or surrendering to the mystery. In the end, I think most of our dreams are really just about relaxing and playing more.
Even if your vision is clear, and you know it remains the same from year to year; how you bring it into form can change, that is where the yearly work is, and that is based on your own inner work, evolution, and what supports your dreams and the sacred tools you want to share in that moment of time. How you show up in your essences (of which we all have many) may change from year to year depending on what parts of our essences feel most juicy in the moment.
Dreams can span multiple years, a lifetime, or be more short term, based on what your Inner Wisdom is telling you, when you are tapped into your heart and soul. Understanding how you want to FEEL from year to year can change, but that doesn't mean you abandon what you already created, you just build on the aliveness.
You can do all the vision boards, goal lists, and feeling maps you want. If they only incorporate your work and not the rest of your life, and if you are not aware of; and take your sacred assignment into account...you can manifest all of those things, and still have a feeling of disconnection and yearning for something you can't quite grasp.
Continuing to create huge new visions and goal lists every year means you do NOT have trust in yourself, or your Divine to just take care of things, while you are busy (or not so busy) being in your magic, and knowing your presence is the gift, and that is all you need to do is SHOW UP, exactly as you are, with an intent to make an impact.
Here is the paradox. A dream or a vision is just a wish until you take aligned action to bring it into form. You CANNOT just wish it into being and think you will attract it. There is work involved and the goal is that work brings you joy in the moment and not just the end result. AND this is an act of creativity, not of logical thinking and to-do lists.
Run far and fast away from anyone telling you they will help you get UNSTUCK. Such a pet peeve of mine, this buzzword. These are usually people who claim to be energy healers, except that if they were they would understand energy is ALWAYS in motion, and we as humans are energetic beings..in quantum physics you are energy, everything is energy, and it is always in motion, and can actually be in more than one place at the same time. Trust me you are are not stuck, in fact it takes a shit ton of energy to keep running the same old comfortable story and think you are going to get a different outcome. It is much more fluid and flowing if you shift your perception and look at life through a more creative and playful lens. You are at choice to re-write the story, and there isn't a person on the planet who can make that choice for you, they can just guide you to birth the next version of yourself that is in alignment with WHO YOU ARE, which again, no one can figure out for you, but they can help illuminate the way. Choose who you go to for wise council...well..wisely. Play and creativity needs to be involved, not more to-do lists and ways that you are less than whole and not good enough.
So I can say a lot more about this, and will throughout the year, because our visioning doesn't end here. It is a cycle. But I can say based on my experiences, both light and dark, it ALL hinges on what your sacred assignment is. I have several opportunities in which I can guide you towards unearthing what that is, and holding you in the process of discovering it, honoring it, and using it as the compass and the KEY to all things you bring into form for 2020 and beyond.
I am going to leave you with what has come to me so far in my own spaciousness, words of wisdom from a sister of mine, and how that may impact how I choose to show up to the vision that is unchanged and yet always changing.
I have been sitting with what these words of Keep it Simple, Make it Mythic means. How that translates into aligned action. And what I was really ready to release (of which there are many things) but a soul sister of mine quintessentialized it for me on a call and it all came crashing down into making sense. She said she was releasing:
The need to be a big deal.
In that moment, I realized that was it. My ego was still clinging on to being a big deal, to be recognized, to be needed. And it was causing me angst, and to be always DOING instead of just showing up and being and creating for creation sake, and making an impact at the same time. And I realized even though I say it all the time, the truth is I just have to create, and sometimes that means being public and teaching, but other times that means hibernating and being in my own world, and realizing that in both cases my creations can inspire, and can make an impact, and my sacred assignment is to INSPIRE. I may inspire people by doing what seems to be nothing, or what seems to be something. At this point in my evolution, I don't care. I am just SHOWING UP. And at the same time, to show up for those who show up for me. It's reciprocal. It is an exchange. Sometimes I realize I talk myself out of a job because I inspire others to just BE and not DO, and then they realize they no longer need a coach. That's OK, that means I did my job, I helped someone realize their assignment here on the planet. To me that is reciprocal and it made an impact. That is all I can ask for and it meets my dream of simplicity AND holding the space for someone to write their mythic story.
I know this was long, and thank you for staying with me. It is what has been emerging during this spaciousness I have allowed myself.
As I mentioned, this is all hinged on discovering, KNOWING, trusting and creating aligned action from your Sacred Assignment. I will share a few ways you can work with me to do just that.
Love and Light,
There are two more spots in my small group UnEarth Your Sacred Assignment Four Part Series beginning Jan 7th. To sign up see below:
Sacred Assignment Series
I also offer this as a one on one immersion in a four session series, both virtually and in person.
Unearth Your Assignment One on One
I can also do this for a private group, the hostess will receive complimentary tuition for a group of a minimum of five and max of 10 prepaid guests. Reach out to me to discuss. dina@dinatibbs.com
If you are interested in doing one on one work, but have questions or would like to learn more before signing up, I am always happy to schedule a 30 minute call to see if we are in resonance. Just email me dina@dinatibbs.com and we can discuss your needs.