{Horse Wisdom} Slow it Down, Release Control, Don't Force It
"We can slow it down to twice as slow as we think is slow." -Virginia Rosenberg
I mentioned last week that I may not be writing weekly, but then the horses, one in particular inspired me. And to be open to inspiration and to inspire is after all, my sacred assignment. Meet Driver. We decided early on that Driver would be my horse, because he is the mellow one and I have no riding experience. Well, when I get on him, mellow is an understatement. When I get on him, he refuses to move, and just grazes. And we are decidedly opposite personalities, most people would not use the word mellow to describe me. We thought that would be good for me, and it probably is, because he is certainly teaching me some lessons. He also happens to be the largest of our four, and I of course, am the smallest member of the family. It is truly a cosmic joke.
It's a real joke that he is a dream to ride for anyone else, of any age that gets on him. He was truly put in my path to teach me to SLOW IT DOWN, twice as slow as what I think is slow. In his language. No movement at all. Or he will take a few steps and stop, and I found myself struggling, forcing, doing everything I could to "control" him. And guess what? He moved even less. Because forcing and controlling is the exact opposite way of speaking to a horse and getting a response. And so it is in life, and most certainly when trying to "manifest" something.
Why do we insist on forcing and trying to control, when we know that being in flow and fluidity is what opens us up and truly assists in first KNOWING what our dreams are, and then manifesting them? Those of you who know me, know that I believe the whole "manifestation" movement has been quite distorted from its initial ancient teachings. There is a balance, I don't believe you can wish things to be true, or create a vision board that collects dust, then do nothing and just wait for your million dollars and your beach house to show up. You do have to take action and co-create with the Divine. But you don't have to force things, never stop long enough to breath, or be a slave to a to-do list and not enjoy your life in the present moment. In fact, doing these things does not bring your desires into form either. In fact, forcing and never stopping generally means you don't even know what your dreams and desires are. Not the real ones, not the ones that come from your heart and soul.
Now is the time of year to slow it down, and I mean really slow it down. It is time to dream and vision, it is time to give yourself spaciousness to reflect and celebrate what you have done, and then sit with what is emerging and what you would like to bring into form. Not in this very moment, but later. It is a time to really tap into your heart and soul, and decide what you really want to put your life force energy into. Those things that fire you up in the moment you are doing them, and also set you up to bring your longer term dreams into form. It has to be both, because if you don't enjoy the journey and embrace the mystery, you miss out on what could be possible.
And I prove to myself over and over again that when I slow down and keep some spaciousness in my schedule that things come my way. And yet, like with the horses, I sometimes try to force and control. So after my experience with them, I really slowed it down this week. I received a sound bath, I physically and energetically cleansed the studio (which is a grounding practice for me) and I spent time with friends over two days. And trust me there were moments of "I didn't get anything done today". And I stopped and said, yes I did, I slowed down and I spent much needed time with my friends. And what happened, when I wasn't so focused on work? I received 3 new one on one clients and was hired to teach a private group. And these were intents and dreams that I had (some I put into motion when I visioned last year and some requests were total surprises...things I hadn't even thought possible), but I put them out to the Universe, I co-created by making connections, and then I released control. That is what manifestation ACTUALLY is.
So as I TRULY go into the slow down between now and early January, means for some requests it will take all of my inner wisdom to say no, I will have to schedule you next year. Because taking time for the dreaming is necessary. I hope you slow down and take some time too.
Love and Light,
PS. One of the last classes of the year, is a time for you slow down and create your Dreambook for 2020. This will be your dream repository, your space for stepping into what is possible, and open up to what your heart and soul really desires. I hope you join me. The VERY last event of the year is the Winter Solstice Ceremony, where we reflect on 2019, go into and honor the dark to release what is not needed in order to step into the light and illuminate what wants to emerge in 2020. To join me for either of these please head on over to the site.