Midwifing Through The Transition

During birth, a baby moves down the canal into what is called the transition before she crowns. It is in that moment that all of the previous preparation and coaching in how to give birth becomes real. And guess what?

Mama forgets all of it.

She forgets all of what she thinks she knows, and all of what someone has coached her and her partner what to do. And in that moment she is just looking for someone to tell her what to do, because she is fully in her body and no longer in the thinking mind. And in that moment she looks to the midwife who tells her what to do, but also asks her to dig deep into what she innately already knows how to do. Is completely capable of doing whether the midwife is there or not. But the midwife's role is to remind her of her power, and yes tell her what to do so her body receives the message, and does what it does naturally.

I feel like we are all in one transition or another in our lives, almost at all times, as that is the nature of things, and nothing is standing still. And even though we know exactly how to birth what is coming next, sometimes we forget our Inner Wisdom, and just would love for someone to tell us what to do. I know this is true for me and the work I do with my mentors. There are some things I just don't know how to do.

And in my work, I ride a wave between holding space for guiding women toward remembering their own wisdom, because that really is the core of it, and honoring the request of "just tell me what to do" if it is a skill and gift set that I have and know what to do, or have experience doing. And I sometimes struggle with that, because in one of my "worlds" the coaching world, that is not what you are supposed to do. But I am a rule-breaker, I always have been, and its probably why I don't call myself a coach, although sometimes that is exactly what I am doing. I feel it is selfish to hold back gifts I have, things my beloveds ask me for guidance on...and yes to tell them what to do, just because a "coach" isn't supposed to do that. So its a dance, one in which I can guide, but still my beloved has to access her Inner Wisdom to be in alignment with, and bring what I ask of them, into form. So I feel I am stepping into, and owning more of a midwife role, to remind you of what to do, and be there while you do it, through the transition, through the vision, through the birth.

One of my clients recently summed me up like this:

"She holds space for me and, like a baby duckling who gets easily distracted, she picks me up, taps me on my behind, and keeps me centered so I don’t get turned around. "

I loved that, because she said it better than I could. And that is what my mentors do for me. For some aspects of our lives, it is OK to be the baby duckling. Yes, we all have this innate wisdom, but sometimes when faced with something we have never done before, a road we have never travelled, it helps to have someone showing us the map, so we can then find our own way.

Where in your life do you feel you need to be the shown the way? Where in your work and life are you the way-shower? And are you owning that? Or do you hold back what you know...because that might be breaking the rules around what your "job title" or career path is supposed to be?

At one point in time I actually did consider becoming a midwife, but realized I like sleep too much...lol. But I think I do more midwifing that I ever realized even without the job title.

This week I ask you to ponder what and how you share what you know, despite the job title. Ponder what gifts you have that you are being asked to give, and yet have resisted giving them, perhaps because it doesn't fit within the title you have given yourself, or the way you have presented your work up until now. And I ask you to open up to share more, open up to more possibility, more connection, even if it doesn't seem to "fit".

Love and Light,


PS. One of my gifts is guiding women towards birthing their business and life visions into form, through aligned action. Together we look at both the vision and the tactical "hows and whats", and co-create your life design in a way that is resonant for you and your beloveds. I am opening up 3 spots in my Vision Weaver One on One Program. And if you feel called to explore that, the invitation is below. I would love to have a chat with you.

Vision Weaver


A Forced Slow Down


Permission from the Trees