Visioning is Creating; Creating is Visioning
It occurred to me I haven't written about creativity in quite some time. I supposed all of my writing is about creativity, because everything we do is a creation. But I haven't written about committing the act of creativity, whatever your art form or creative love is.
But Please Do Commit Art
The idea of "committing art" may bring up all sorts of inner mean voices, that say you can't do art. My response is how can you not do art? Whatever that means for you. Our lives are our art, our creations, our stories, and our future possibilities. But the act of creating something in a "form" rather than just in our heads brings an entirely different perspective. The act of creating gets us out of our heads and into our hearts and souls, and after 20 years of spiritual practice I can say without a doubt that there is no faster way into the contents of your heart and soul than a creative practice. And I receive no better information about what's possible than mining for gold through the creative process. There is absolutely nothing outside of myself (or yourself) that has the answers and creativity is proven to access your genius, in some cases as well as, and beyond traditional meditation techniques. Many of us in the Intentional Creativity®, Intuitive Painting, and expressive arts, as well as, leadership and scientific organizations are diving into the research on this, but for me true experience trumps research every single time. Right now if you google creativity and meditation, you will get a bunch of meditations designed to boost your creativity. What if I were to say that the act of creation is the meditation itself, nothing else is needed, unless you also want to meditate. I do both, but for different purposes, and when I absolutely cannot quiet myself down, I go to the canvas and ask for the answers.
They usually appear.
And the answers appear in all different forms, the colors I choose, the types of marks I make, the patterns, symbols, images, and sometimes the face of my Inner Muse. All with different bits of information for me. Once something is in form it carries so much more intention and possibilities for manifestation than words in your head alone. When we think something it carries some energy, when we speak it a little more energy is put behind your intent, but then when we do an embodied creative practice your intent and your vision is amplified exponentially. Which is why I invite you to take your visioning practice for 2019 and amplify it with a creative process, it could be collage, but painting your own image will give you access to so many more ideas, visualized possibilities, and the ability to really "see" what you are capable of bring into form from the inside out. You do not have to know how to "draw" anything to do this.
Here is my invitation to you-
Create 15 minutes of time for yourself every day
Set up a space to paint
Get a canvas- the bigger the better and some acrylic paint and brushes, it doesn't have to be a fancy expensive brand
Take 3 deep breaths, ask your inner wisdom what she would like you to know today. If you hear, see, or feel an answer great. If not, no worries.
Look at the colors you have and see what is speaking to you, choose two or three.
Begin making marks on the canvas, let go of any idea that it needs to "be something" just paint for 10 minutes without thinking about it
Journal afterwards if anything came up for you, or messages you received in your mind while painting, or from the painting itself
Do this for 40 days (it takes 40 days to integrate a practice into your daily life)
Once a week, visit your more "left-brained" vision or vision board, goal list, see if there are correlations between that and what you have journaled, or if you received some new ideas that may shift the vision
If you feel called to paint a specific image do so, but its not necessary
At the end of the 40 days...start But also, see if what emerged is still what you originally visioned for this year, or if you would like to make adjustments. Remember I have said this before, your vision can change and be adjusted based on new information your soul gives you. Just trust.
I would love to hear if you try this practice and what the results were. I would also welcome you to reach out to me if you have any challenges or if you need support in creating the 15 minutes of time each day to do the practice.