Beginner's Mind? Challenge Accepted!

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few."-Suzuki


Because I have been sitting in "internal" space and time, as you could imagine a lot of inner guidance and information is coming through. What begins to emerge are the wisdom nuggets that inform how I want to show up and "be" in my life and sacred work through these next few cycles. When you spend this much time in quiet, often a lot of guidance comes through and then we have to discern and distill what resonates. Sometimes the information coming is seemingly paradoxical.

As you know, I have been inviting you to also go mining into your inner landscape for your own wisdom, and sometimes what comes forth can be confusing. I am always here to bear witness or reflect for you if you need support and guidance. I have been sharing bits in these weeks past about what is coming through for me, which is to cultivate and amplify, and potentize (now you know why one word doesn't work for me...metaphor is part of my landscape and I cannot be bound to just one word, but I digress...that may be the next conversation) what I have already created, and to not do "new and shiny objects."

At the same time I have been getting what could seem like a paradoxical message of:

"Be in beginner's mind."

I thought of beginner's mind as an opposite message to do the new, so I asked the Divine, and consulted several oracle decks, and as these things tend to happen, every card I pulled had the message of beginner's mind, play, curiosity, and create beauty. So I figured, its best not to ignore the messages. And so how do I weave together not starting new things with beginner's mind? The answer was:

"Play, be curious, be humble, and make beautiful things"

Back in 2016 I actually started my year off with the intent of Play and Curiosity and it turned out to be a shitstorm of a year, with a huge breakdown to breakthrough which of course became my biggest gift, but play was not on my radar. So it is not without a little fear and trepidation that I am considering going there again, and proclaiming to the world that I plan to PLAY this year. But what I learned during that year was that I was being somewhat spiritually arrogant, thinking I knew it all, after years and years of study, and so the Divine decided I needed a dose of humility and forced me to spend time with my shadows.

So now three years later I am looking at this differently; I am embarking upon another deep spiritual journey and I intend to approach it from beginner's mind; not neccissarily forgetting what I know, but to question what I think I know and look at it through a new lens, and re-birthing my practice from this place.Which means an approach to even the deep and dark stuff with an energy of play, curiosity, and irreverance. Not to make light of "serious business" but to add light to the shadows and raise my vibration and response to those things. And to also approach my life, my spirit, and my work with humility instead of the "know-it-all" energy that tends to live in my shadow. Because really I know nothing, and that tends to be a little more exciting anyway.

As for my work, I am approaching all that I have done with beginner's mind as well. Looking at it through the lens of someone who is a beginner on their path, rather than as the "me" the one who created the work from my own experiences. Shifting perspectives is also going to be a huge bit of what I am bringing forth this year. And so much of what I created last year will still be deep in its content, and subject matter, but presented from a playful and curious place; for me and for you. I am inviting you to get playful and curious, even with the dark, shadowy, painful bits. Again, not to make light of our experiences, but to bring light to those heavy experiences in order to transmute them into the gifts that they are.

So invite you to look at your visions, goals, life, to-do lists...all of it. And ask," how can I approach this from a "beginner's mind" and not from past experience?" And as the quote I started with says so brilliantly," how can I call in new possibilities from this place, instead of the "been there, done that" mind of an "expert"?"

I would love to hear your thoughts on what you can approach from a beginner's mind.


Visioning is Creating; Creating is Visioning


Creating New From the Old....