Apparently My Discomfort is Uncomfortable

I have to say that I don't pay much attention when people subscribe or more importantly unsubscribe from my feeds, newsletters, or pages. But I do see it. Last week I had the most ever unsubscribe...only 3 but it was still the most. I could have crumpled in a heap over this or realize that I really made some women uncomfortable. And...well that is my role here on this planet and in this life, and quite frankly some people are not ready for that. I happen to love being uncomfortable, but holy shit it has not always been that way, in fact one of my CORE DESIRED FEELINGS (from Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map) is Comfort(for myself and others) , so trust me I like to be comfortable, but here is the thing. I know if I have been blissfully comfortable for far too long, that also means I am not growing or coming to my edge. So I like being uncomfortable even more, because I know that means I am in growth and expansion and showing up fully to my life. Last week I talked about how uncomfortable it is to let people in and let them know I need them. Something tells me for those three women, the same was true for them, but they were not ready to work with that story. 

What story are you ready to work with and what aren't you quite ready for but willing to be uncomfortable and pursue it? 

For me the uncomfortable place is offering you something that I have fully fleshed out but don't have every gnat's ass detail figured out on my website. I am a bit "behind"...who the hell every came up with that anyway...behind what? I digress. My gift is bringing visions into form, even if that means not all the ducks and squirrels are lined up neatly in the row (hence the discomfort) but know without a doubt that is my gift and my discomfort at the same time (love the paradoxes). I am also even uncomfortable offering anything in my newsletters because I rarely do that, but I got a Divine download that brought EVERYTHING TOGETHER while I was recovering from surgery. It brought everything I visioned for the last year into form and into something that makes sense. And so now here it is. 

You have sacred work, a vision, wisdom and life experiences to share, Divinely given gifts and you are bursting at the seams to share them with the world. Yet, you struggle with articulating your vision, and putting structure and form around how your sacred work looks in the world. You are a spiritual and creative being and do not want to lose your freedom of creativity or become out of integrity with your soul. You want to be in service but not in Servitude. 

My Divinely given gift is as a Vision Weaver and Initiator. I take visions and bring them into form and structure, I initiate action while remaining creative, in the flow of life and embracing Divine Timing, and not always having all the answers but embracing the mystery which is where the magic happens. And I have done this myself, I live it every single day, and I stay in my integrity and what my heart and soul desires. 

I believe business ownership is a deeply spiritual endeavor and that it is crucial to remain in spiritual alignment while putting your work into the world. Remaining in integrity with your Divine gifts, and your sacred assignment, while also creating structure, systems, and form. 

I am inviting 3 women to work with me one on one from Summer to Winter Solstice to weave your vision into form while remaining in your creative flow and spiritual alignment. This Vision Weaver program is delivered over six months with four modules and around 64 hours of content. This is not a "we meet for two hours a week for the next xyz". Together we decide how often and for how long we meet to complete each module. You are at cause to create what you need with me, as long as we get through the content in six months. That might mean full days a few times, 1/2 days others, 1 or two hours here and there. Whatever we decide, you are at choice and this can be done in person, in studio, or virtually or a combination of both. 

Why Solstice to Solstice? Summer Solstice is a time to be in action, and Winter Solstice is a time to be reflective. I often have to be reflective for both, because that is my harmony, and this dance of being in a spiritually integral business is a dance of both/and. Why six months, it seems so long? Well you; whether you know it or not have been holding this vision since birth, maybe even before. Six months is a drop in the time bucket. And for those that have been trying to bring your sacred work into form, it is likely you have been trying for many years now, and yet you might be exactly where you were 10 years ago or maybe just 6 months ago, just thinking about it, but still bursting at the seams to share your wisdom, let's stop thinking about it and bring it into form. Six months is a good amount of time from a practical perspective to have a plan developed and thought through and ready to launch. It is a good container without being too short nor too long. Ending on the winter solstice means you have a good foundation for a launch by around February, and can take some time to go internal, immerse and build up the energetic storage to do what you intend to. Because I do suggest some rest both after completing this process, and to be in tune with nature's rhythms at that time of year. Be with family, get and give love. 

So loves, this is an invitation, if you would like to learn more, I will send you to my not perfect website, to learn a little more and then schedule a deeper discussion with me to see if we are in resonance with each other and the discomfort I will be asking you to step into.


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