What Gifts Will You Share?
This has been a heartbreaking and challenging week for all of us. I really have no words, well I do. I have run the gamut of emotions, grief, anger, fear, and underneath it all love. Its difficult to feel the love when times are challenging. I question everything I am doing, am I making a difference, am I doing enough? And then I have to keep coming back to love, to my center, and most importantly to my sacred assignment of Inspiration with a side dish of Connection. To my mission of holding women in sacred space so they can come back to love, transform, find their voices, remember who they are, and discover and share their gifts. Ladies, we are the key, and we have to keep doing our own work and then sharing it in whatever way we can.
I once had a teacher say, "when you are deep in your own shit, pick up the phone, message someone, help someone who needs help. That is the fastest way to get out of your own shit." Such true words. And at the same time, do it from a place of deep self-love.
I am about to get a little fierce, here. But with total love. Ladies, it is time to get out of your own shit and share your gifts. The ones you were born with, the ones that carry the medicine for others, and trust me your presence is the medicine. But first you have to acknowledge them. All of them, even the ones you don't think are gifts at first glance, and keep adding to the list. Then figure out how you can share them with others. Inner Critic has no place here. The more you acknowledge and share your gifts, the more your own "stuff" begins to soften and disappear. Some people say and I am inclined to agree, to not share your gifts is a selfish act. There are people, animals, nature beings that need and want your medicine. And it goes without saying that you also need the medicine others have to offer, but you need to open to receiving it, receiving the support, and asking for the support you need, so you can shine your bright light and share your gifts. Its a circle, that's how it works. The world needs you, I need you.
I am always here to listen and witness you when you need support. Do not hesitate to reach out to me. I will always offer the gifts I have.
So my challenge to you this week is write in color, grab some markers, list the gifts, draw the gifts, it doesn't have to be a work of museum art, in fact the more child-like the better, just get out of your head. Start with five and keep going. Then make a plan to share them, in big ways, in small ways, in any way. I encourage you to claim them and be witnessed on my Facebook page http://bit.ly/2o80l6J