It Starts with a Vision - Releasing the Fear of a Business Plan

Some healers were born knowing they were healers or being a healer was a part of their lineage, and they know nothing else than just doing the work. But for the vast majority of healers there was a turning point in their lives that called them to the Quest. Whether it was their own health or spiritual crisis or that of a loved one, something beckoned to them to go learn a modality or several modalities. Or maybe it was a desire to be of service, or transition their career into something more meaningful.

So they went through whatever certifications or schooling they needed to learn the tools, techniques, and knowledge necessary for their chosen modalities got their certificates and were “released to the wild” as I call it. What I have found is that very few healing arts programs actually provide healers with the real life tools and techniques to have a successful business, or provide continued support after they hand out the certificates. There are of course exceptions, but providing comprehensive business development and start up skills are rarely part of the program. Generally what you are told is, find a catchy name, print your business cards, start a Facebook page, maybe a website if you can afford it, and basically, hang your “Open For Business” sign on your door and wait for the people to come. ALL THE PEOPLE! Rather than getting clear on why and whom you want to serve.


Gaining the skills and the knowledge is paramount, but so many of my clients are lost on how to even begin developing their businesses and marketing it to share their knowledge and their gifts. Heck most of them are even struggling to get back the money they spent on their education, and many of them have no budget to operate their businesses, or don’t know the costs of doing business. I have to be honest this frustrates the hell out of me. I wish the healings arts programs were honest during admissions about what it really takes beyond just the knowledge in a chosen modality to be successful. It is my mission to help as many healers and creatives be successful, share their gifts, and have abundance. The world needs the healers, artists, and intuitives more than ever.


When I ask many of the healers in my circle if they have a business plan I get a deer in the headlights look. The idea of doing one is so daunting, and they were not taught this in school. What I tell them before getting to the icky part of crunching numbers to start with their vision. Remember why they chose this path, why they want to do this work, and whom they want to do it for. Get really truthful, really vulnerable and tell their story. AND WRITE IT DOWN, paint it, bring it into form. Do not just let it live in their heads, but visualize it. The result of this is knowing their gifts (many of which are far beyond the knowledge received in their programs), knowing why they want to share them with the world, and knowing that THEY ARE ENOUGH!

What I have found more often than not, is rather than get clear about the vision and the plan for sharing the knowledge they do have, they think they don’t have enough and get more certificates, more modalities, more tools and techniques for working with clients and that by doing that it will bring in clients. Do not get me wrong; getting more tools and techniques to share with clients is a wonderful thing. Trust me, I have a list of certifications as long as my arm, and I do not regret a single one of them, every one brought me deeper, introduced me to new teachers, and put me exactly where I am today. And here’s the thing:


How I share that vision, how I share my gifts, and the work I do is vastly different than it was then, but the vision has always remained the same. Don’t fall into the trap of continuing to amass knowledge that does not support the vision, or because you feel you don’t know enough to share your work with the world.


The truth is starting and running a business costs money, many programs do not tell you what to expect. Knowing how much money it costs, and how much money you need to make in order to sustain yourself, and continue to live in your joyful creation is sort of important. This is the scary part for most healers and creatives but it doesn’t have to be, there are ways to make it a creative and dare I say even fun practice, and for me I do art and ritual around each stage of my visioning and financial planning for all my endeavors and projects.

Doing this helps you to know if what you are visioning makes financial sense, or if it fits your vision, not only for your business, but your life. Sometimes things need to be marinated on, put on the backburner, or axed completely because you have discovered doing something will lead you somewhere you don’t want to go. Like working 24 hours a day and having no time for self-care, reflection, family, and it sucks the joy right out of the work. Which does not serve your clients at all.

I would love to hear from you, what are your fears, hesitations, and of course successes around doing a business plan? How can I help you get creative and get over the fear?


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