What is Your Medicine?
In my one on one work with women healers it is my goal to help them recognize and bring their gifts out into the world. They are all gifted in the chosen fields of study; they carry so much wisdom and knowledge. But what I have found is they all (myself included) have such a healthy dose of humility that they hesitate when it comes to speaking highly of themselves and sharing fully with their communities.
It’s my mission to help them shine their light with the world.
I have found that many women have old agreements around “bragging” about themselves, or being seen as too smart perhaps too big for their britches. This agreement is not theirs but came from an external source, and it is time to release it. The world needs our gifts and our knowledge, we need to scream our talents from the rooftops so that our work can help others and so we can sustain ourselves.
I teach an Intentional Creativity™ class called Medicine Basket. It is a process where we put the certificates, books, and hands-on training aside and dig deep into what our soul gifts are, what the real medicine is that we bring to the world. These are the gifts many of us were born with, and then the training in the different healings arts combine to make magic. When we open up to perceive these gifts we realize that by sharing them, we are not bragging, we are just being authentic.
What I came to realize while creating my Medicine Basket, that even though I have a list of certifications as long as my arm, my real gift is being the Visionary and helping other women to see what they cannot see about themselves, so that they can shine their light in the world without apology.
When we go through this process it is all about letting go of perfection, and letting what needs to be revealed be revealed. When we see it in form in a creative piece it becomes a part of us allowing us to go forth a vision how we will share our work with the world.
To schedule an in-person Medicine Basket session either one on one or for a group please contact me at dina@dinatibbs.com