Dust Off Your Fine China and Polish Your Stilettos
Earlier this week I was sitting in my studio and looking around at a whole bunch of images I curated out of magazines over the last several months. Each one spoke deeply to me, but they were all just sitting there "waiting" for the right creative project, or waiting for me to feel creative enough to use them. Essentially taking up space, "collecting dust" if you will, and speaking to me to be created with every time I looked at them. What "perfect" moment was I waiting for? What outcome was I waiting for? Not the one where they just sat there, actually creating a bit of a mess in my space. So I started cutting and pasting and letting go of which images went well with the others, or telling a certain story with them from my ego mind, and rather let them tell the story and by the end the story the images wanted to tell began to come together.
So what does this have to do with Fine China and Stilettos? Just like we wait for some special occasion to pull out that china or like the pair of sexy, hot shoes we bought...maybe before we had kids and/or became "responsible" and stopped going out dancing, those things are sitting collecting dust somewhere waiting for an invitation, or waiting for the right "occasion". And yet they are asking to be enjoyed, to be taken pleasure in, even if we are serving hamburgers and dancing around the living room. Or maybe they are waiting to be invited to the party, when it is you who can stop waiting for the invitation and do the inviting, hostess the party (when it is safe to do so of course), crank up the music, put on the stilettos, serve buffalo wings on your China.
Our creativity and working with and sharing of our gifts and genius (with ourselves or with others) is much the same way. We keep them hidden, we let them collect dust, sometimes we forget they even exist. Often we are waiting for some "invitation" to use them, and when none comes we think they are not worth anything. Well guess what? Sometimes that invitation doesn't come, because OTHERS don't know they exist, that is how long you have kept them hidden for. So the time may be now for you to do the inviting, to do the sharing, it could be with one person, it could be with a thousand. But the world needs your creativity and your gifts. And it is in my experience that when you begin to invite others into your world, you start to receive more invitations into theirs, and then sharing and collaboration and support happens and it happens very naturally, easefully, and gracefully. So I invite you, to start inviting others into your world.
I was invited to speak to my soul sister and business coach's Lisa Marie Grantham's audience, on exactly this subject of remembering, honoring, and sharing our gifts. I would be honored if you gave it a watch. I hope it inspires you!