Entering the Expansion
First, I wanted to take a moment and welcome all the newcomers, there are quite a few of you that took my Inner Queen quiz and I welcome you to the world of the aMUSEd Woman! if you have any questions about your quiz results please ask, and I am happy to respond. Just so you know what to expect I generally send a weekly newsletter with a wisdom teaching, reflection, or story, and a few times a month I mention any classes or events I have coming up. I generally go deeper into the teachings on my FB group,Amused Woman Circle.
This week I am reflecting on expansion, and how we are all being called to expand what we think we know, and our perceptions in order to feel more aligned with what is going on within ourselves and the world.
I remember about a year ago in my morning practice, when I tap into my Inner Wisdom and ask what I need to hear and receive, my Inner Wise Woman (who curses like a sailor...then again so does my outer wise woman) kept saying "You don't know shit." This went on for several weeks, and was a call first into humility and secondly to expand my lens of perception and expand into possibilities that I couldn't quite see yet. And so now I make it a regular practice to ask my Inner Wisdom and my Divine to show me what I am not seeing. To assist me in stepping out of my limited day to day survival lens and up into the visionary and symbolic realms. I usually use free form writing, collage and other art practices to move into the realms because our logical minds are only capable of seeing what is behind us or right in front of us, but without a way to step into the intuitive intelligence you cannot see what you can't "see". You have to step into the imagination.
And so I believe collectively it is TIME again to step out of what we think we know and expand our minds and our hearts to see things differently. I think it is the only way to maintain our own alignment and not get caught up in engaging with all that we see "out there." Our job is to shift our own minds and expand into what we are here on this planet to do, not waste our precious energy trying to change the minds of people unwilling to look at things through a different lens.
Many of us have been in a "contracted" state for months, some of us years, hunkering down, cocooning, being with the ones we love. Some of us enjoyed the slow down, some of us did not, and for some of us that changed from day to day. But like all Universal Laws (which I love because Universal mystical laws account for science, everything in the natural world including the body, spirit, psyche and soul) we can only contract for so long before we naturally expand whether we want to or not, we can fight it or we can let nature takes its course. When we breath our diaphragms contract and we can only contract for so long until we MUST expand, and so it is for our minds, bodies, and souls. If we don't allow the natural instinct to expand we feel like we are constantly gasping for air.
So the invitation this week is to sit with what you would like to expand into. Perhaps it is time to break out of the cocoon, remove the invisibility cloak and bring a piece of your work into the world, maybe it is time to expand your mind a learn something completely new and out of the ordinary for you. Maybe it is time to expand into a physical practice that tests your limits. Maybe it is time to take a dare, connect with people you would not ordinarily connect with learn about the world from their perspective. Any and all of these things will move you into the next state of being, which is inevitable one way or another. But when you make the choice from your own Inner Authority of how you want to expand, what you want to expand into, and how you want to walk in the world it feels so much more natural and aligned as opposed to holding your breath and waiting for outer conditions to meet you in a past self that no longer exists.
I would love to hear what you are considering expanding into in this next cycle of your life. I would also like to invite you to 30 Days of Inner Inquiries which is a series of journaling prompts designed for you to tap into your Inner Wisdom and ask these deeper questions.