Happy Creation Day

I think I coined a new term. Creation Day. We are all Mothers. Mothers of our own creations. And I honor every single creator, which is all of us. To be honest I was in a very shadowy place last week. And I love the shadows as much as the light. I was initially going to write about our relationship with death, physical and metaphoric. I will still do that, but then I realized it is Mother's Day after all, so perhaps I should honor life, and by that I mean all of creation.

So I honor ALL the mothers. Of two-leggeds, of four-leggeds, mothers of dreams, and of creations. Every single one of us gives birth. And it is an act of courage, each and every single time. It is a "labor" of love whether we are creating life, creating a business, creating suddenly a homeschool classroom and office for our kids, our work, whatever. It is all a creation, and we are all mothers.

We consistently birth things from our love, our passion, our desire to live in our own power and make a difference in the lives of those we touch. Period. That makes you a mother, that makes you a creator. This is human ingenuity and the human condition. We will always find a way to create. And I don't mean paintings, novels, and sculptures. Although that may be what you create. But do you finally get what I mean when I say we are always creating and we are all creative?

This won't be a long letter. I will save that for another day. But one of the things that brings me out of the shadows and into the light is seeing how creative everyone is being with doing things in a new and different way. It is a birth into a New World order and it is warming my heart. Here in Colorado we are slowly re-opening things and the creativity and respect for life I am seeing is refreshing.

I have seen small businesses move heaven and earth to sustain themselves and serve their customers in the safest way possbile, provide appointments and special times for the elderly and at risk people special times to shop. I have seen people pivot on a dime and offer virtual appointments and curbside pick-up. No one was prepared for this and yet I have witnessed some real creativity. Creativity that sets aside all the "stories" of how things should be done, says fuck you to the status quo. And is just making it happen.

I have seen musicians, artists, teachers, dancers offer what they have remotely and in many cases freely, things I would actually never have access to otherwise. To inspire me to create also. So, I want to hear what is inspiring you to create? Share some amazing ideas you have seen. I would love be inspired by all of you.

I honor you:

Mothers over all beings. Fathers too. Aunties for sure. And the Grandparents....enough said.

Creators, writers, artists, activists, gardeners, new and old homeschoolers, teachers, nurses, priestesses and priest, caregivers of any kind, business owners, zoo keepers, and hairstylists, bodyworkers, light workers, shadow workers, therapists, TRUCK DRIVERS, and retail workers. AND ALL OF US. WE ARE ALL CREATORS of this reality.

And I love you all.

Love and Light,



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