Surrendering to What Is
I have been thinking this week about surrendering, and the freedom in the surrender. Much like the amazing Brene Brown has taught many of us that vulnerability does not mean weakness. I believe that surrender does not mean defeat or giving up, but just the opposite. The willingness to stop fighting what is, and meet life where it is and where you are with grace and openness. Because fighting against what life presents us, OR forcing something that is not in flow or alignment with life can be quite exhausting and energy depleting.
there is magic in the surrender
The magic of freedom. The freedom to not know it all, not be it all, not have to have it all figured out. Because you can’t anyway. Being in flow with life and what wants to show up from one day to the next keeps me present, keeps me creative, keeps me humble. It keeps my on my spiritual toes and tapped into my Inner Wisdom. I feel like if everything went exactly as my logical mind thought it would, and every plan happened exactly as I thought...well life might be slightly boring, completely in my head, with little room for unexpected possibilities and magic.
Does surrendering to what is and not planning every moment of your life sound crazy, scary, uncomfortable? Does the idea of surrendering bring you to your edge? Good because it should, that is where the magic happens.
Each day brings to me what it will, all I can ask for is to walk in it with presence and grace. And mostly trust. Trust in my inner navigation system that will always steer me in the right direction, but only when I stop trying to “figured things out” and analyze everything, trying to find a reason for things when there isn't one, or at least not one that "visible" in the physical planes.
Now NONE of this means to give up, or just let life HAPPEN to you or to let yourself be stagnant. But what is does mean is to be in awareness that you don't control everything, and that no matter how much you plan there are things you don't know yet. It means to be intentional in what you choose to spend your energy on, and loosen the reigns on outcomes, goals, to-do lists and to co-create your life with what you desire and what is true in the moment. There is a quote I will share below from Caroline Myss.
"The choice before us is whether to trust the power of the sacred realm to guide us when we cannot yet see or to fight our way through events that have already occurred. Everything in the physical world has already occurred, at least from heaven's perspective. It's a mystical truth that anything we see in the physical world is already history."
And so at least for me I choose to not spend too much time and energy trying to change what is already history. And I choose to intentionally be with what is present and at the same time vision what I would like to come, but not grip onto it too much.
There are years when I "vision" my life and business design and I intentionally choose to go with the Unplanned Plan. When I look back I realized I do that every few years or so. Even in business many businesses have "growth" years and other years are "maintenance" years. And it makes sense, because if you are in constant growth mode you will exhaust yourself taking on more and more. But if you just let some years flow you are able to just be in the glow of what you have already created.And a big question for your inner self is "how much is enough"? Do we always have to be growing things? As I go into my "visioning" time my Inner Wisdom is already whispering that 2021 will be an Unplanned Plan.
The last time I had an Unplanned Plan year was 2017, I decided to just be with what is and let life flow, I was studying, being with myself ,diving into my inner realms, and just meeting life where it was and making choice on what was presented to me. By September I was opening the studio. I hadn't dreamed in January that was what I would be doing, but the Divine had a plan, and I believe it all came together because I made space for the magic to happen and I surrendered and listening to the guidance.
Going into 2021 I am studying once again, I am going into my inner realms so that I can also be of more service to others when I emerge. I am going to surrender and more than likely not have a big plan, a bunch of goals, and to-do's. It doesn't mean I am not going to do anything, it just means I am going to listen to my heart and my Divine and do what I am told, in the moment.
I would love to hear your thoughts on surrendering. How you are feeling about what you are visioning into 2021. Does the idea of an Unplanned Plan excite you or scare you?
Love and Light,
PS. Below is a link to a related past article on Embracing Life as an Experiment that you may enjoy.