Why asking Why Is One of the Most Profound Questions
Why? It seems like such a simple question but how often do we really ask ourselves why at the deepest levels? Why do we make the choices to do the things we do, behave or react a certain way? Or conversely why do we make the choice to NOT do certain things, even things that are for our highest good or are aligned with our deepest soul desires? Why do we make the choices to focus our energy on certain things and not others?
Simon Sinek wrote the well-known book "Start with Why" which is focused on business and leadership, but really can be applied to any aspect of your life, your dreams, and your visions. Start with Why. Why is something important to you on the deepest levels? The more you ask why, over and over again, the more of YOUR truth is revealed. The more times you ask why to the same question, or choice, the more you get to whether it is something YOU really want that is true for you, vs revealing an external reason or story for certain things we do, or that seems like a good idea because someone else said it was.
I am writing about this now because many of you are starting to vision for 2021, and I am going to ask you to ask why for everything that is going on that vision board. We so often go immediately to the what, and then the how, without ever really sitting with the why. And when we put things into our visions that don't come from the deepest why then very often 1 of 2 things happens, we get down the road with the "thing" and the journey of it doesn't bring us joy we are just trying to get to some self-imposed outcome or finish line...or 2 we don't do the "thing" at all. Or a number 3 we confuse the what and how with the why. Often because we limit our thinking on what will help us achieve our why based on what "others" tell you will get you to that feeling, goal, dream, vision you are looking for. But the how and what is not in resonance for you and so you don't do the "thing" and then never tap into that wellspring of your heart and soul desire.
The why is your Divine Instruction.
But you have to slow down long enough to listen. It's those little nudges, pings, messages and synchronicities. That I know you get. The Divine Instruction rarely shows up on a vision board in the form of a beach house, or a six figure business, or a picture of the Buddha in meditation. it is so much bigger...and in many ways more simple than that.
So get curious!
Have you ever been around a child who constantly asks why, why, why? And does it drive you nuts? Well we should all be more like that, more curious, more inquisitive. desiring a deeper level of understanding (sometimes of the big questions like why the sky is blue), they are not busy trying to figure out how to get all the things crossed off the to-do list. They ask why in order to understand their place in this big, beautiful world.
So my invitation to you is as you are creating what wants to emerge for you next, is to slow it down, write down all the things that are coming up for you, all the possibilities, and start to ask why, not just once but over and over again. And then only choose the focuses that have a why that is rooted deep in your heart. Then maybe you will come up with the what and the how...but even then, my council to you is to take those "hell yes" heart and soul based desires...and understand that you are now at a choice point to create a sacred life, not a to-do list item. In other words these desires are most easily manifested when they are woven into your life, not as an added thing to do.
I do hope you have a blessed week and spend some time in gratitude.
And I will be doing a "role play" scenario in my private group this week, around how to get to your why, so that you don't continue to put things you desire and are for your highest good on the bottom of your list EVERY DAMNED year. Because it is likely you know your why, but the what and how are just not in resonance for you and so you don't do it. I will show you how asking why can open you to other possibilities. Join us here:
Amused Woman Circle
Love and Light,