The Elusive "One Thing"

“ If you can let go of passion and follow your curiosity, your curiosity might just lead you to your passion.”- Elizabeth Gilbert


I have been in conversation recently with several beloveds and clients about this desire to find the "one thing." The "one thing" or modality you are seeking and waiting for that is IT. The one thing that you want to share with the world that you feel in your very bones. Some of us call it our PASSION. And we want to wake up one day and know what it is without a doubt. And so many of you (myself included) have learned many tools, received many certificates, read thousands of books, listened to a multitude of podcasts, signed up for a bazillion webinars. All of them are gifts, skills, tools, knowledge, wisdom but you are still seeking the:


Well I am here to tell you, you are never going to find it. Not in a class, a certificate, or a webinar. Do you want to know why?

Because it's you! You are the one thing!

You are the secret sauce, it is your presence that is the medicine and the gift for yourself and those you serve. All of the classes, certificates, and knowledge, are not the THING, you are the thing, all of those tools and techniques are just the how and the what, the way in which you express yourself in your work, in your sacred assignment, BUT the modalities themselves are not the assignment. The modalities are just that, modalities in which you bring your work forward. You are the glue, you are the weaver, you are uniquely you and why people are drawn to you. Once you are in awareness of that and what your assignment here on this planet actually is, you come to realize that your curious nature, your reason for learning so much, is just something that is in service to you showing up, and doing your job on this planet. That curiosity is the passion, it is the inspiration, there is no need to choose just one.

That would be boring.

And, what I have learned over the years as I grow and transform that the modalities change or evolve as your resonance and vibration changes. What you found to be transformative 10 or even 5 years ago, may not be "doing it" for you or your beloveds any more, because you have grown and expanded and through working with you, so have they. And letting some things go to open up to birth new things is not only OK, but necessary. As long as you are in awareness of your sacred assignment...which in my opinion does not change. You were assigned it before birth. And if part of your essence is being very curious, then embrace that and go learn new things. Some of those things may be just for your personal growth, and some may become part of your work with clients. But please, don't beat yourself up if you choose to learn something that does not turn into "WORK". I hear it all the the time.."oh I wasted my time or my money because I took this program and I am not "using it". But is that really true? Maybe you are using it in your personal life, maybe it helped you grow and evolve, maybe it opened up your heart, your creativity, your spirit.

Maybe it was just for the fun of it.

With that said, I also want for you to be in awareness, that you already are and know enough, and have enough wisdom to share your gifts with the world. You do not NEED more classes and certificates in order to do your work in the world. It's yet another paradox. So many women I know keep taking classes to gain more knowledge because they think they need it, in order to "put themselves out there" and get more clients, but my challenge is to really put into practice (deeply) what you have already learned if it is still in resonance, because it is enough! It goes back to what I said earlier.

You are the medicine, you are the gift.

One of the most transformational pivot points of my life was discovering the the sacred assignment I thought I was on this planet to do, was NOT IT at all. My story around this has been published in Ready to Fly Volume 2 (let me know if you would like a signed copy). But the short version is, that I went into a deep period of panic and anxiety for 3 months in 2016, one of the gifts that emerged from that, was I was not in alignment with what my assignment actually IS, but was living with what I THOUGHT it was. In other words, I was living in my head, not my heart, not my soul. That period of time forced me to get quiet and discover what I am really here on this planet to do, and use that assignment as my inner compass for all decisions I make, and that I make them from the "Heart-mind" and my soul desires, in service to that assignment. When I discovered what it truly is, and the "how and the what" are not up to me, and to release control around that, all of my anxiety disappeared.

Once you come into clarity around your assignment life flows, you can more easily discern where and on what to decide to spend your time, energetic and financial resources on AND you are in an awareness that the assignment is so simple yet so big, that to fulfill it, there is no ONE THING and yet it is all in service to the ONE THING, the ONE HEART,

I would love to guide you towards discovering what that assignment is, OR if you already know discuss some practices for using that as your Inner Compass for all choices. I am opening up some time in my calendar to spend 30 minutes with me via zoom to be in service to help you discovering what that is.

Schedule Your Sacred Assignment Call

Have a lovely, lovely week!

Love and Light,



Echoes, Silence, Patience, and Grace


The Difference Between Invisibility and Mystery