Trusting in Divine Detours
In these last few months I keep pulling the Coyote card from my Spirit Animals Deck...over and over again. Its meaning....Divine Detours. And so I am bracing myself...but not really, I know change is afoot I even might have an idea what it looks like. It doesn't matter, I trust in Divine Detours because as I look back on my life, it has been full of them, I trusted them, and they were and are always magical.
One of the core pillars of my work is teaching women how to have non-negotiable trust in themselves, the co-creation of life with the Divine, and in their relationships. But it wasn't until earlier today, that I realized I have been operating in this realm of trusting in my intuition and the Divine detours my entire life, long before I started diving into the spiritual teaching realms, and I have come to realize I have trusted in my intuition, acted upon it, and met the Divine halfway my entire life, to bring my desires into form, even if I didn't know what that looked like or even what my desires were. But somehow I always knew manifesting was not something you just wished to be true, waved a magic wand and there is it.
That is not how manifestation works.
It works through listening to yourself, trusting yourself and your intuition, and putting into motion those messages and yes detours you are receiving, even if you have no idea what the end result will be. Then and only then will the Divine step in and provide assistance. But again you have to listen. When the detours show up you go with it, rather than ignore them or refuse them. Because the Divine isn't interested in how you want things to go. The Divine know you are capable of much more than your mind thinks you are. So pay attention.
I was raised in a city in New Jersey, trips were always to the beach, I love the beach. Now picture... big hair, teeny bikini, tan accelerator, freestyle disco on the boom box, surrounded by guidos. YUP that was me. I never had any intention of leaving there and I had a great job. At 25 they gave me the opportunity to move to Colorado and I took it, despite the fact that it was 1996 and I thought Denver was the biggest Cowtown I had ever seen. But I knew in the core of my being it was what I needed to do. Then I meet a guy from of all places...Wyoming, and I knew instantly I would marry him, my complete opposite. We just celebrated our 19 year anniversary.
When it was time to leave the corporate life I knew it and I listened even though I had no idea what I was doing other than I wanted to make more of a difference so I went into the healing arts, and started learning ancient spiritual practices. It has been a rollercoaster, and then two years ago after picking up a paintbrush for the first time in 2014 I decided to open a studio where I teach art. WHAT!!!! But I am going with it, still. Talk about an unexpected detour. If you would have told me even 6 years ago I would be teaching art I would have said you were crazy.
Now here we are at 2019, we bought a ranch 45 minutes from any town, trust me when I tell you Toponas CO is ACTUALLY a cowtown; I pee in an outhouse. I bought my summer wardrobe which consisted of Carhartts and Muckboots at Murdochs, instead of sandals and sundresses at Sundance. We have horses. My son wears cowboy hats and boots.
I looked at my husband this morning and said:
What have you done with my Jersey girl?
I am kidding of course. Making the decision to do this stuff was my sovereign choice, my divine detour. I know without a doubt this land and these animals have so much to teach me in the next steps in my journey. And I also trust completely that in the next several years I will get to spend more time at my beloved ocean. But it was that moment when I really, really realized this trust in my own intuition has never failed me.
That does not mean I have never made poor choices. I have been broke, I have been in awful relationships, I have lived in the bottom of a bottle, I have lived with severe anxiety, I have had miscarriages, I have failed in businesses, I almost lost my husband when I was drinking too much. But those choices, those moments, that was when I wasn't listening to my intuition, I wasn't hearing the Divine Detours. And yet, every single one of those dark nights of the soul have informed and formed me and the work I do now, and ultimately in all of those situations I woke up and started listening again. And because of these experiences I can hold space for all of that and more, because I came through the other side with an even deeper relationship with my Inner Wisdom.
This is a big reason why I developed my She Trusts program. Because when you trust, good things happen. There is no other way to put it. It is truth. I just had the pleasure of leading 3 women through that 6 month journey and witnessed the transformations. Now I am offering an even deeper version that is a one on one experience designed to bring you into a level of such self-trust and trust in the Divine that you never question yourself and your wisdom again. I only work with 3 women at a time, so if you feel called to explore this with me I have created an invitation for you and a link to have an hour long connection call with me to see if its in resonance for both of us. And if its not, that is OK too, I still love connecting with women for an hour to get to know you on a deeper level. It truly brings me joy. I would love to get to know you.
She Trusts Invitation
Love and Light,