Expanding Dreams

I am feeling such an expanded state of being after moving out of the winter darkness and into this energy of spring. I am feeling expansion in my energy, my creativity, my strategy and my dreams. Being able to be outside more and feeling the interconnectedness of all beings creates that feeling. Part of this process of expansion is to look at the dreams my heart and soul desires, and then what comes along with that is...well aren't I living my dream right now? Do I deserve more? A story many of us have when looking at our dreams. Or by dreaming, am I living in the future, instead of being in the present? Many spiritual practices have been distorted to make us believe we shouldn't "want" anything, that we have then developed an attachment to pleasure. It's a paradox, and I say why wouldn't we want pleasure? As long as we don't have a shitstorm during the times that aren't so pleasant. But isn't it the knowing that pleasure is on its way that helps you get through those times? I know that is the medicine for me. And I am here to tell you:

It's OK to want, its OK to dream, and YOU deserve it!

Last week I was on a call with a very wise woman who called us to task on listing our dreams and creating the prosperity necessary to bring those dreams into form. And she said "dream into those things that make you giddy." I loved that...giddy. If you are giddy about a dream you can be sure it is coming from your heart and soul and not your head or some external source. Check into what giddy and excited feels like in your body. Sometimes it feels a little scary, like an unknown feeling because we don't allow ourselves to be giddy. There is just too much serious business to attend to...like bringing our visions into form. I know for me, sometimes I have separated the two, and I for one am drawing a line in the sand that says bringing my visions into form (which are my dreams manifested on the physical plane) better make me feel giddy or I am letting it go. Living dreams in the present while being giddy, and expanding into dreams for the future that also make me giddy. Same-same as far as how I feel about my life and business design. Doesn't that sound lovely?

So my challenge to you is to understand the focused actions you take today, that make you feel giddy, create the path for dream seeds you are planting for the future. Being present in gratitude while also being an expanded, multi-dimensional version of yourself, and of your life and all of the possibilities.

In this moment you don't even know what's possible unless you dream and imagine!

So your job is to create the conditions for expansion, possibility, and magic. In order to create those conditions, some spaciousness is needed, enough quiet to turn down the volume on the noise and listen to what your wisdom is saying, listen to what nature is saying, and becoming harmonious with yourself and your world. In other words, get out of your own way and let nature take its course, while being as giddy as possible in the moment.

In 2002 when I left corporate america I had a dream of a space for women to heal, to express, to be and remember who they are. I had no idea how that would look, or where the resources would come from. Many trainings, and many dark nights of the soul later, plus raising a child, it took 15 years to realize that dream. I set the conditions for it to happen, including the dark nights, and all the lessons I received from those. Those dark nights are what led me to all of the wisdom teachers who have made the biggest impact on my life. And I am forever grateful to them. And in some cases I got out of my own way, got quiet, and surrendered to the deep fear and anxiety I held about power, scarcity, and the "am I good enough" "do I know enough" stories. And so even now, that I have realized the dream of holding space for women, sharing my gifts, sharing my wisdom, being financially free, having amazing relationships, building a community. I often ask, do I deserve more? Is it OK to want more?

My answer is HELL YES!

Why? Because I know I am here to serve in the best way that I know how, with impeccability and with a healthy dose of giddiness. My dreams for myself involve spending 3 months or more a year at the beach, private plane travel would be great too. Teaching wherever I am invited, guiding women towards being in harmony with the rhythms, and those of nature, and having NON-NEGOTIABLE TRUST in their own wisdom and the ability to co-create their dreams with the Divine. Being in flow and designing lives and businesses (including my own) that make them feel giddy like children. Because this is what the planet needs, and this is what will heal the previous generations and the future generations. And trust me when I say this is the direction the Universe is going. No more trading time for money to people, systems, and organizations that would replace you in the blink of an eye. So I invite you to set up the conditions for expansion and giddiness. Because if you don't no one else (not even your closest loved ones) are going to do it for you.

So How Do You Set Up the Conditions for Expansion?

  • Spend time in quiet each day, preferably before you have contact with the outside world, most especially news and social media. Tap into yourself, your Divine, and your physical body, check in to how much energy you have, and where your emotions are. Journal on what would make your day amazing. THEN MAKE SURE YOU GET THAT.

  • Spend time creating, whatever that means for you, but that is the fastest way to get out of your own way and tap into your true self and your wisdom. At least 15 minutes.

  • Dream, really feel into it, ask for what seems to be impossible, check in with your body to see what makes you feel giddy. Make a list.

  • Be in gratitude for the present and all the work you have done to get here. Be grateful for the abundance that is yet to come.

  • Claim your gifts, skills, and talents and scream them from the mountaintops, even if you think no one is listening. Trust me, someone is, and your words and gifts are a balm to their soul.

  • Seek support, ask for help, find a community where you are witnessed and held for exactly who you are. Mentors and teachers are crucial. And you deserve them.

  • Say no to anything that does not feed and nourish you. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

  • Say yes to where your heart is pulling you, even if your brain has no idea why, or it scares the shit out of you. Your heart knows best.

  • Understand that you have no control over your future. NONE! Find joy in the now, but more importantly find joy in the mystery. Understand that life is an experiment and you are the mad scientist. You can only set the conditions for an amazing future, you can't control them.

  • Surrender to and know that your shadow side has as much, if not more wisdom, than your light side. Spend time loving and acknowledging those aspects of yourself that are not as easy to love.

I would love for you to share in the Amused Woman Circle Facebook group, how these practices opened up expansion, dreams and possibilities for you. I would also like you to claim one dream you are setting the conditions for in the present moment.

And if you would like witnessing, support, reflection and guidance on expanding your vision, designing a life or business that is in harmony with your rhythms, and having NON-NEGOTIABLE TRUST in your own wisdom, I am here to support you. For the month of April I am inviting you to spend a complimentary hour with me one on one, either virtually or in-person to guide you towards creating the conditions for Giddiness. (this is normally a 30 minute session) . Just click the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page to schedule.

60 Minute Giddiness Session

Love and Light,


PS. I will be doing an FB Live on my Page on April 9th, to dive deeper into this subject.


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