Getting to the Essence of the Vision

I have the great pleasure of spending so much time with women; individually and in groups. Listening to what their visions are, their heart and soul desires, their dreams. What I have been seeing, hearing, and feeling is that for most women the vision is very simple, maybe one word. Like fun, love, freedom, play, possibility.


Why? Because they feel like their vision should be more. Loaded with goals and to-do lists, all the things that throw us into overwhelm and often take us further away from what our hearts and souls are actually screaming for. When really at its essence, at its most simplified form, our hearts and souls truly just want that one thing. And yet we feel like we should be doing and striving for so much more. And here is the thing, when we honor that essence; that simple vision, often all the rest of the pieces just fall into place, because we are open, we are receptive, we are calmer, quieter, more rested, more joyful.

I love the word quintessence or quintessential - the dictionary meaning is

  • The essence of a thing. The most representative example or representation of a thing. The ideal.

The alchemical meaning is:

  • The quintessence is perfection itself, the philosopher’s stone, the elixir of life that is only possible once a state of purity is reached and transmutation is achieved in gold, which does not necessarily refer to metal, since the quintessence resides in all things that exist on Earth.

Pretty Potent Wouldn't You Agree?

Sometimes bringing something down to its simplest, most pure form is the most potent act we can take. And it frees us up to be in our joy and open to what's possible. At the same time, if you know me, you know I also like to step over to the other side and bring things into a tangible and actionable form. So why don't we consider some reverse engineering here. Instead of feeling like you need some:

Big Bold Vision and to Crush Your Goals

Have I ever mentioned how much I despise that term...crush your goals. From an energetic perspective why would you want to crush anything? Talk about a lack of flow, grace, and fluidity, unless you are an NFL player I am not sure why you would want to crush your goals. Is that supposed to motivate women? Does it motivate you? I want to know. But I digress. But what if, you were to take that very simple word or vision that is resonating in your heart and soul, and develop focused action for each area of your life that supports that? So here is the practice, a video may follow. (It probably will, maybe right in this very email)

Take a page for each of these in you journal (my video may show this, involving color and paint):

  • Health, wealth, home

  • Relationships- love, personal (friendship), family, business

  • Sacred work

  • Spiritual Practice/Divine Connection

  • Emotional Health

  • Support Structures

On top of each page write your one word or phrase vision statement you have for the year. Then each page on the bottom write the area of life you are focusing on. Get quiet, take some deep breathes, play some nice background music, tap into your heart and ask?

What focused actions can I take with (insert life area) to infuse it with (insert word or phrase).

And just listen, take your time with this. Write what comes with some clarity and tangible action. Draw symbols if that is in your joy. For each area of life try to come up with between 1-3 focused actions that you will take in those areas of your life that support and are infused with your word/phrase/vision for the year. As for timeframes that is up to you, I would say one season, so one to three months. But some you may feel are weekly or daily practices, others may be long term. You decide. The idea here is this is a practice, and that you do not overwhelm yourself yet still feel like you are living your dream. Overwhelm and overwork is sort of defeating the purpose. But do put some dates and accountability around it, and ask for support if you need it, I am here for you. Maybe create a reward system for yourself. And know that some things that come up may be lifelong and not have an end date of any kind but that it becomes a new way of living for you.

Ahh..yes...the muse did decide a video was needed, and so it is! Click below to access the video...she had a lot to show you!

Loves, I would really like to know and hear if you tried this practice and what emerged for you, and if you enjoyed it and would like more!

Til next time!

Love and Light,


If you would like to dive deeper into bringing your visions down to their essences and receive some guidance on the next aligned action to bring your vision into form. I am scheduling one on one Wisdom Reflection Sessions where we dive into ONE aspect of your life or business that you would like clarity and simplification on.

Wisdom Reflection Session


Resistance, Distractions, All the Things


The Gift of Self-Compassion