Embodying Your Sacred Tools
I have been working this moon on what my sacred tools really are and how in embodying them, acknowledging, and then sharing them makes the work I do in my sacred work but also in my life:
So much simpler and yet more powerful
It is a process of just being "with" what I already have and know innately, some may say for many lifetimes, rather than trying to "become" more, learn more stuff, and add more complication to my work and my life. And I can be a Queen of Complexity. The more "deep" and esoteric something is, the more I gravitate towards it. And yet, I (and you) already know what I need to know, and if, how, and when to share it, just by being present and aware, and simple.
I am all for going out and learning new things to keep us growing and fresh, and some of us just absolutely love to learn. That in and of itself is a born-with sacred tool. But not if it's a continued process of "seeking" before you can share, or acknowledge the wisdom you already have and the sacred tools you already use and have access to. If doing and learning more "stuff" becomes an over-complication of life and work, it may not be serving you or those you are here to serve. I have really learned this moon (and really this whole year) that the more I simplify and honor my "original" tools the more accessible I am to my beloveds. There is no need to overcomplicate, and there is such depth in the simplicity of the essence of things. And when we share our gifts and tools at their essences, and are in community with others who have different gifts and tools to share, every being becomes more abundant and there is a Universal reciprocity.
"The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world. Individuality is cherished and nourished, because in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts with conviction, so they can be shared with others. Being among the sisters provides a visible manifestation of what a community can become when its members understand and share their gifts." -Robin Wall Kimmerer
I find such power in these words, and such power in sharing our gifts amongst community to make the whole stronger. And it does not have to be difficult or over-complicated. In fact, there will be an invitation later in this email to share your gifts.
But first, you may be asking how do you know what your sacred tools are. There are a few inquiries and processes to get down to that essence, one is the Discover Your Gifts process that I shared when you signed up for my email list. I really encourage you to go through the process. If you need the links again, just reply to me and I will send them along. But here are some inquiries for you, and an example from my own life around not owning, and now owning again some gifts, and how I weave them together and embody them.
What have you been doing naturally and have been drawn towards since childhood?
What has been passed down to you from your lineage? Do not overthink this, sometimes a gift is as simple as the pie recipe or the folk remedy for a cold. Sometimes it is storytelling. A very powerful gift by the way.
What do people praise you or thank you for? Sometimes praise that is hard to accept, because you don't think it's any big deal, or that it is a gift. (This is the golden nugget, it is a gift even if you don't think so).
What are you often doing in your sleeping dreams? (or your waking ones)
There are also some processes around "remembering" those things that may be very, very ancient knowledge and wisdom that you carry. Or you may already know of remembrances you have had. That is a deeper process, and I am considering offering something around this remembrance early next year.
For me, and I said this last week, I am not an art teacher, art is my tool for bringing my sacred original tools into form. I have only come to realize that in the last moon or two. And the painting is the external weaving of my sacred tools in a visual way, the painting informs me on the tools and the tools inform my paintings, and then I use painting and mixed media as a tool for you to access your inner landscape and sacred tools. It's a dance. The painting is the way I access my Inner World and bring beauty into my Outer World.
I have come to realize that words, the elements of nature, animal connections, and ritual/ceremony are my sacred tools. Sharing all of this in community is my sacred job. I realized since I started painting, I was discounting the words, because my mind was telling me words aren't "beautiful" at least not visually. But that is just a story my mind made up, now I am making art from my words and diving into visual journaling. This is where I make art from my quintessentialized words. I also realized my paintings are a visual representation of my relationship with the elements of nature, and the tools I use for ritual and ceremony, and I am owning that creating ritual is an art form. And I am finding ways to weave this altogether in order to simplify rather than separate and over-complicate.
What tools are you ready to own?
I wanted to also share with you a poem I wrote where I literally became and embodied the elements of nature. I rarely write poetry but I did this on a retreat with one of my mentors who had us do an embodied writing practice. And then as we shared it, we physically embodied what we wrote. This was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had, and that was true for everyone there. I am sharing this..because I hope you enjoy it, but also so you can see how embodying your gifts in this way can be truly transformative.
I AM The Maestra of the Elements
I am Air I do not apologize for the gale force wind
that blows away the fog of your mind
clears your vision and gives you clarity and discernment
to focus on what matters and alchemize stagnation
I am not afraid to use my voice to speak my truth
and illuminate yours.
I am Fire I do not apologize for the fire that burns bright
burns the house down so the diamond in the basement can be unearthed and discovered
so the light in your heart can shine
I am not afraid to burn down your bullshit or mine
I am Water I do not apologize for the water that flows from my banks
sometimes threatening to flood if you don't pay attention
I do not apologize for my emotional fire, air and earthy ways
I ask you to ride the wave of fluidity sometimes flooding you
but I always give you the life raft inviting you to just float-not drown
I use the water to contain the fire
to make sure you don't burn so hot that even the diamond melts
I am not afraid of nor do I desire to contain myself or anyone else
I am Earth I do not apologize for being solid and soft
for being a flexible guardian
I do not apologize for sometimes being stubborn
for standing in my truth and guiding you towards yours
I am strong enough to withstand the test of time
I will remain here despite any attempt by self or others to destroy me
I am not afraid to be the Mother or admit that I need Mothered
I am Spirit I do not apologize for being here, there, and everywhere
I do not apologize for being all of that and none of that
I do not apologize for being before time, after time, no time at all
I am not afraid of knowing everything and knowing nothing
I am not afraid of loving and being loved
I DO Being a Divine Human
I hope you enjoyed this. To discuss your sacred tools more deeply, and perhaps a creative visualization please join my private circle on FB.
Amused Woman Circle
Love and Light,
PS. I am putting the call out to those of you who want to share your sacred tools, either in studio or in the group. In a simple, community based way. I am not sure what this will look like. But I know I can't do it alone and I want to bring more of everyone's magic into the community. Email me and let me know how and what you would like to share. It may be a writing, an interview, a studio offering, a chance to share in a circle. I am really just in the visioning stage of this.