Sometimes I Don't Listen

Those of you who know and read me know, how important I think self-trust and listening to our intuition is. So important I developed and entire program about it, which I recently opened the doors to. It is the culmination of all of the wisdom I have been blessed to receive about self-trust, trust in the Divine and trust in the sisterhood of women you choose to surround yourself with. And so I am going to be transparent and admit that there are times that I question my own information, or sometimes jump into things without fully listening, going a million miles an hour on my manifestation train. The difference between the me of now and the me of the past is now I can feel into and know very quickly when something is not in resonance

And change it without judging myself. 

I also talk about not asking others for advice but seeking out your Wise Council of Wise Women, be it friends, mentors, guides, circle sisters; any woman who can act as a mirror and reflect for you, with total love, total truth, and non-judgement. Not to give you advice, try to fix you, or tell you what to do. Or insert their story. 

So this week, I was feeling into the She Trusts program, and something was not feeling quite in resonance. Not the work or the program itself, because I believe deeply that being in trust is the first step on the journey to transformation and expansion. I know this is POTENT work because I have done it and for the most part live it. But on the delivery, the marketing, all the moving parts. I initially chose to offer this both in person and on line, because of some story I told myself about all of these beloveds I have that are virtual, and how I have to have an online offering for them. But it just wasn't feeling right, like doing it would scatter my energy, and then I would not be able to serve anyone fully. 

Then I remembered. 

The very first blog post I wrote on this website almost exactly two years ago, was about how I was not in resonance with big online programs. I do hope you read it, it is very telling of how things change, but sometimes they don't, and I knew even then, before I had a space to offer in-person connection, that it was the vision all along. My intuition knew all along I would have this space, but I didn't believe it intellectually. 

And so this week, I sought Wise Council from a mentor who is a catalyst, both spiritually and in business, and she said, the Great Mother gave you this space...

Be Happy You Don't Have to Work Online It's a Fucking Circus

And it is. I have been blessed by the Creator with a sacred space where I can create a place for connection, self-expression for all the women and potent offerings, which is what is being craved; in person connection, community, and rememberance. And so my focus needs to be there...HERE. 

Spirit also told me, for this planet to heal, now is not the time to be in in the spirit world, it is time to put: 

Boots on the Ground in the Community

And I believe that to be true for all of us with a sacred purpose to bring love and healing to this planet. And so that is what I am doing with the focus of my work, so that it can be so, so very potent and so I can work with the healing of the lineage wounding we all carry, and guide women who are standing right in front of me how to remember who they are, who we are at a soul level. 

So what does that mean on a practical level? It means my She Trusts group program will only be offered to 12 women from September to February here in Colorado, and will be even more deeply connecting. And for those who are virtual, I can customize the program for one on one work, again to maintain the sanctity of the depth of the work. This also gives me the spaciousness to go more deeply into my own art, and begin filming some online art classes for you. I realized I could not do it all. 

For those of you who may want to explore sitting in circle with me and 11 other women, while we all learn to trust deeply below is the invitation and a short video on a daily trust practice. 

She Trust Invitation

For those who are virtual and might like to explore doing this work one on one please email me and we will set up a Zoom call.

In either case I am happy to sit with you and see if this is in resonance for us both.


Saying Yes to Showing Up


Not Van Gogh's Sunflowers and the Importance of Connecting