Is Your Vision Board Collecting Dust?
I am curious how many of you created Vision Boards in January, and if you are using them as a visual tool to create a life of your dreams, and bring your heart and soul desires into form. Or did you do a collage in January and never really look at it again? There is no judgement here, but an invitation to pull that thing back out and do a mid-year check in, and see whether or not what you set out do to in January is still in alignment with where your heart and soul wants to put its life force energy.
For those of you who know me, you know I don't subscribe to the idea that we need to have our goals all figured out on January 1 and complete on December 31, but that I work more with the cycles of nature, my own internal rhythms, and the cycles of you, my beloveds. I work with POSSIBILITIES and then decide where my life force energy will go based on those rhythms. Visioning is not a once a year, or even twice a year process, but for me a daily practice of checking in to see if my days are aligned with my heart and soul desires.
With that said, this is the time of year to do a pulse check on what you visioned earlier in the year to see if those dreams are still in alignment, or if you are like me and had a whole bunch of possibilities...which are still juicy, and which can be released, or put into the Earth to gestate and see what emerges into next year. Now is the time to choose where your life force will go and put some things into action if you haven't already, and remind yourself they do not all have to be done by end of year, take time to celebrate what you have brought into form in the first part of the year, and look to see what dreams may carry into early next year or look at what is going really well, and no longer takes as much of your time and attention.
I am inviting you to get your Vision Board or your goal list back out, take some time in stillness and quiet with it and ask these questions?
- Is the vision still in alignment with my heart and soul desires? Were the goals what I really wanted, or what the external worlds says I SHOULD want? Check in with your heart and get out of your head on this one.
- Was my vision realistic and do the actions I need to take to achieve the goal make my heart sing and feel like I am living juicy and fully expressed RIGHT NOW, or do the actions drain me, overwhelm me, require me to over-give? Or are you waiting for some giant end goal to be accomplished in order to feel happy, complete, or enough?
- For those things that do still feel aligned, have you taken the actions to bring them into form? Why or why not? (If not, this is a clue that maybe it is not truly aligned, or there is an unresolved block or fear around bringing it into form, or you need to ask for support or help, or gain a skill or knowledge)
- What goals will you dedicate your life force energy to between now and the winter solstice...narrow it down.
- What can you let go of so you can focus your energy on what really matters? You may choose to let go of it completely, or let it sit until it comes into alignment. This is a process of accessing your intuition and of self-trust that you know exactly what is meant to happen.
- Are there any visions or goals that you are working on that just feel forced or that you are pushing instead of flowing with. Can you release the attachment to the outcome and embrace the mystery and trust that what wants to happen, will happen?
I really hope you take time to go through this process, and I really would love to hear what you are all feeling into and putting your life force energy into for the rest of the year and into next so that I can hold that intention for you as well.
For those of you who would like to take this deeper, or that have a dream of putting your sacred work into the world but are having struggles with bringing it into form, I still have room for two one on one clients for my six month Vision Weaver program. It contains four modules and about 64 hours of one on one time with me, designed to get some clarity around your gifts, your sacred assignment, your magical offerings, and at the end bringing it all into form for your beloveds. I created this program, because the WORLD NEEDS YOUR GIFTS, it is time to share them and illuminate them. To learn the details of the program I have created an invitation for you, and am setting aside an hour to discuss your journey, if you are called to work more deeply with me.