Becoming Harmonious
Back in January when I pulled the oracle cards for each month, I received Harmonize for June. Synchronicity at its best, as I am packing my bags to go do some one on one work with one of my mentors Christine Arylo, and what do you supposed she calls her program? Harmonize. I didn't even realize until I went to review my June card, so I could write my content for the month. Accident, I don't think so. I am being asked to review every area of my life and where it is both in harmony and out of harmony. I am being called to witness and celebrate what I have created that is harmonious, and to witness and not judge what is not, but begin to catalyze. I began that process last week during the Firewalk I attended. Began to leave what I no longer need in the capable hands of the fire in order to transmute.
I am examining what being in the flow feels like as well, and to know in every cell of my being what harmony and flow feels like, and what it feels like when I begin to step out of the flow, the giving and receiving. Using those moments of stepping out to receive wisdom, and stepping right back in and
Showing up to life with joy and ecstasy!
Because why not? Isn't that what harmony is? Being in the flow of life, being in harmony with all of your being, even the parts that are not so pretty. Being in harmony with nature, with the collective of people and plants and animals? Paying attention instead of numbing out even when things are tough. Becoming empty in order to be full. Showing up when it is more comfortable to isolate.
And so I am working with some stories yet again, I am looking at what is in harmony for me right now and what is not. What is pulling me away from my assignment and the nourishment I need to remain in integrity. Some things I need to let go of are not going to be easy but it's time. It's so time.
I am certain Christine is going to set my world on fire, and I cannot wait. Times are intense and for me rather than ignore it I decide to dive in and go deeper. For me it is the only way, it's just how I roll.
So I ask you, what is in harmony for your right now and what isn't? What are you ready to step away from so you can step IN to the flow of your life.