Letting Nature Take Its Course
Most of you know by now that I use the cycles and rhythms of nature to come into alignment and harmony with what I am creating in my life and I encourage you to do the same. Receive the messages from the plants and animals, they are an inspiration. 5 minutes ago I had no idea what I was going to write about this week, and so I went outside and asked the plants in my flower bed. First, can I tell you just how excited I am that spring seems to finally be here! And I get to shed my winter cloak and regenerate.
Since the New Moon I have really been sitting with what wants to happen, what do I really want to put my life force energy into and bring into form, and what DON'T I want to put into form or spend energy on, at least for now. I had a download of clarity this week, so I now know where the focus will be. I hope you take some time to do that as well, otherwise we are fragmented and trying to nourish too many seeds and none of them grow. That is how I had been feeling.
Today, as I perused what I might want to add to my actual garden, I got some messages. Every year I get frustrated because the previous owners planted mint in the flower garden and of course it has taken over, and every year I fight with it and try to pull it and lose the fight. I don't want it to choke my pretty flowers. Today, however I thought, why would I want to pull what is already abundant? Maybe the mint is not as pretty as some of the flowers, but it is edible, medicinal, and abundant, and for sure is stubborn in its ability to survive anything. What parts of your life are already working and abundant but you fight with them because they seem plain or mundane rather than just letting them be?
It Provides
I also noticed new plants, plants I did not plant and that have not appeared in the previous years. The message I received there is when you open up to receiving the new, and embracing the mystery that nature just takes care of things. I have no idea what these plants are but I am excited to watch and see. That is how I feel about the mystery of what I do not know yet and embrace it because it is exciting, these could become beautiful and abundant blossoms as well.
You Just Have to Trust
I also noticed the new growth coming out of the old, and that I would need to trim away last year's branches and brambles, do a little clean up so this year's blossoms will see the sun and emerge. So I thought what old and brittle stories do I need clean up and compost, returning them to the Earth because I no longer need them, but so that they can nourish the soil for next year? In fact in order to blossom the clean up must happen but we don't throw it in the trash we use it as compost for what is possible, thank it for the gifts it provided.
It's Time to Clean Up and Honor
So I invite you to go out to your garden literally and figuratively, listen for the messages, let nature support your natural course, and just allow what wants to happen to happen with a little care, feeding, cleaning and nourishing from you.