Calling in Your Support Part Deux
Last week, I talked a little bit about not forgetting the rest of your life, outside of your work in your visioning for the next cycle and the importance of calling in the support you need to bring your visions into form, and live from your heart and soul desires. I mentioned I would discuss next the different types of support, discernment and questions to ask, so I made two videos for you, since I ended up with a lot to say. No surprise there. It was actually supposed to be one video, but everything crashed part way through, and thankfully the first video wasn't lost. Everything was in flow, including my daily alarm reminding me to check in with my Inner Wisdom going off, and me forgetting to shut off my email notifications. I do hope you enjoy these.
...and then my mac said...woah...too much... and so here is video #2
Of course, I thought of a million other things to offer, after I was complete. I may talk support for business plans and budgeting to get into the details of what it takes to bring your vision into form, and some free and low cost support you can get in that realm next week. In the videos, and I will say it again here, if you would like to reach out to me for witnessing, and to bring clarity to the questions you may want to ask a specific support person when you are interviewing or in a discovery process with them, I am here for you. I also know and can connecting you to magic makers in almost every realm. I say it in the video, and I will say it again, open up to receiving support, look in your own backyard, instead of a shiny object offering you see from a stranger on social media. Remember the saying of working with people you know, love, and trust. You never know what skills someone already in your circle may have, because so many do not shine and illuminate all of their gifts. But that is a whole other conversation.
Enjoy, Happy Holidays!
Love and Light,