Will You Join Me In the Land of Too Much-Ness

This morning I had an article come across my feed "An Ode to the Women Who are Too Much" which I will share at the bottom of this letter. Written by a man, which I love, and it reminded me of how I love my "too much-ness". But I haven't always. For far too long I let other peoples' definition of what was too much define me, and led me to a place of inauthenticity and hiding who I was for many years. And not being authentic led me to self destructive behaviors.

Over the last several years, I have done lots of inner work to bring back all of the pieces of the Divine Nature and the gifts I was born with, and I invite you to do the same. Being told I was too smart, too intense, too wild, too loud. What a bunch of bullshit. Even recently, I was told that. But now I stand in a place where I can say "that is your story, not mine" and you can choose to spend time with me or not. I love my muchness, I love my intensity, I love my fierceness. My fierceness comes from a completely loving place, loving myself and all that I cross paths with, and my fierceness comes from wanting to see big changes in this world in my lifetime, we now know from what we see in the news, that remaining quiet is not serving anyone, and that change starts with each and every one of us loving all the parts of ourselves and not apologizing for it. I always joke that if I am quiet....well that is the time you should be worried.

The work of coming home to yourself, embracing all of your parts, the good, the bad, the ugly, the hot messes, are not for the faint of heart. But the journey is so, so, worth it. The sense of wholeness, the inner compass you are now capable of making decisions from, there is nothing like it. Is it scary to look at your stories, hell yes, but when you can re-write them, own them, learn from them, and rock who you are, there is nothing like it.

So far this year, and we are not very far in, I am hearing a few common themes from the women I have had the pleasure of working with, and maybe these sound familiar to you, maybe this is your work this year. So far I am hearing, women are ready to be authentic and share who they are and are ready for any fallout of people leaving their lives as a result, because being themselves is more important that not being themselves. They are all ready to take back their power, whatever that means for them. They are wanting to do this all from a place of loving themselves and others in a big way. They are all ready to discover and REMEMBER who they are, who they really are, and maybe more importantly who they are NOT. And many of them are ready to step to the edge of the fears in order to remember. They are ready to examine their stories under the magnifying glass and release those that are no longer serving and protecting them, but just serving as obstacles to the life they really want to have, and the woman they really want to be.

I hope that my work here in this life is to serve as an inspiration, to hold the safe space for women to make this journey back to themselves, even when some of the stories are scary. That is why I am fierce, so I can hold that strong container for the women who need it, and remind them of how perfectly, imperfect they are, remind them that they are ENOUGH as they are, in this moment. And that even the hot messes can be embraced. I do ask the scary questions so that we can really look under the surface, but then I bring it full circle to the joy and the blessings.

So I ask, what are you ready to step into this year? What parts of your "too muchness" are you ready to claim and own? And how can I help you rock it? Please let me know.

And as promised here is the link to "An Ode to the Women Who Are Too Much."


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