From Corporatehood to Womanhood Part 3

So you have left your corporate job, maybe by choice maybe not. Maybe you have a plan; something else to go do; live your dreams, have a child; and maybe you don’t.  Either way my guess is you are saying:

“What the fuck do I do now?”

You see, now your time is your own. You are not used to this, you are used to showing up at a certain time, having deadlines, doing what you are told to do (or telling others what to do), and really not being who you are.  This is a gift and a curse. It’s another paradox; now you have all the time in world, and now you have all the time in the world. You feel like you should be doing something every moment from 8-6, but you don’t and then you feel guilt. Or maybe you launch right into a business and you are working and forcing it just like you were before; yet you don’t have to.  You have no idea how to be in the flow of life, and to be receptive to what your intuition tells you. You have been living primarily in the masculine energy of the corporate life for several years. But you are in transition and no matter what your next action is I ask that you are gentle with yourself during this process.

Do you want to know what not to do when you first leave your job, which is what I did? Spend a week or maybe more very drunk, and in between come up with all sorts of wild ass business ideas when you have no idea what they cost and no money to fund them; because you just left your job!

Shall I give you some better ideas?

1.     I can’t say this enough, be gentle with yourself.

2.     Spend at least a week, more if you can afford it on self-care. Resting, reading the pile of books you have been wanting to read, time in quiet, time with friends and support structures, dancing around your house naked, lots of baths, yoga or dance, TIME IN NATURE, lay off the wine.

3.     When you quiet down and realize that you can be in your own flow, start to understand what your flow is. Be receptive to the internal messages about your next adventure, life, who you are, what you like, when you have the most energy now that you are not on someone else’s clock and when you have the least energy. Journal them.

4.     If you have a business idea, take the time to do a business plan and a marketing plan. Trust me, you will not regret it. Reach out for help if you need it. But if you need to replace a salary you have to know what you need to do in your business to achieve that, how long it will take, and if your idea will support you. It may seem like time you don’t have but trust me; you can’t afford not to understand what you need to sustain you.  This is where the masculine energy helps us to achieve our goals.

5.     If you do not know what you are going to do next, continue to listen to your inner voice and journal your thoughts and ideas, your passions and all of your gifts. Do not start a business just to make money, again trust me on this.

6.     Find a tribe of women that you resonate with, and where you can be authentic, vulnerable and where it is safe to heal any wounds around the feminine and other women. Spend as much time around other women as possible, even if it’s uncomfortable. To find other gatherings of like-minded women check out you local or findawomanscircle.

7.     Do something creative every single day. Learn something new. Art, dance, learn a language, knitting, cooking; whatever floats your boat. You now have some time to do this. Taking time for a creative pursuit will enable you to be more creative in your life and next adventure.

I really hope you find this helpful, please reach out to me if you would like some specific support, or share ideas on how you transitioned from a corporate life to an embodied life.

For the earlier entries in the series:

From Corporatehood to Womanhood Part 1
From Corporatehood to Womanhood Part 2


A Year of Funny


Lessons from the Muse-Listening and Releasing