Spring Cleaning for the Mind and Spirit
Spring is knocking on our doors and I know many of you take this time to spring clean your space, but do you take time to spring clean your mind and spirit? There is no time like the present to “air out” the stuck patterns and beliefs we are holding on to in our minds.
Spring is associated with the element of Air and the direction to the East (this varies by tradition) as well as, the sense of vision and clarity. Spending time cleaning the mind of the perceptions that are not serving us makes room for us to see what does serve us, provides clarity on our paths, and gives us the breathing room to be visionaries.
What are you visioning this year? What lens are you viewing your goals through?
When we honor nature in our practices, we are rewarded with being in harmony with what our soul wants, not what our perceptions believe that we should have or do. There are simple practices that can help us to clear the mind and open ourselves up to the possibilities. Once we do this we can then honor spring by planting seeds and tending to them.
I am curious, how many of you set goals in the beginning of the year? How are things going for you as we move into spring? Are there places where you are stuck? Where you are feeling like you are getting in your own way?
Spring energy is the time to look at those goals with fresh eyes, and a clear mind, and re-set your intent.
We can do this by spending time each morning quieting down, and visualizing wind blowing through our minds, opening our internal eyes to what is true for us right now, and asking ourselves what the next right action is, and LISTEN for the answer.
Once we have that vision and clarity we can go plants seeds (literally and figuratively) tend them, water them, feed them, and provide light as we move into the fire action of summer.
Some tips for honoring spring and bringing in the energy of air:
Create an East facing altar that can include:
Winged creatures such as owls, hawks, and even angels
A pair of glasses for vision
Shake a rattle to clear energy
Open the windows and air out your space
Spend time outside when the wind is blowing
Make a ritual of planting seeds for blossoming in summer
What other ideas do you have to align with the energy of spring? I would love to hear about them!