Planning with Gentility
I hope your holidays were full of peace and joy, and I hope with all my heart that you did take some time in stillness and reflection. Now that New Years Day is approaching, we may all be feeling the pull to have our year fully planned out, or at least the month of January.
I used to think I would take the time from the Solstice through the New Year to "make the plan", have the vision all lined up, have all my goals set. This was a lot of pressure, and not truly aligned with the cycles of nature, and inevitably I never had it "done" or all figured out by the 1st of the year, and then I would beat myself up over it, or go into fear that I would not be taking action or launching what I needed to launch "on time". Does this sound like a familiar story?
I even almost slipped right back to it, even though I know the Solstice time is truly for going internal, reflecting and yes celebrating what I did accomplish rather than immediately moving on to the next thing. This is how to be in rhythm with nature. So if you have not already, I want you to make a list of at least 5 things you can celebrate from 2017, and let me know what they are, be witnessed, claim them.
Yes, I did fill up my January calendar, in early December and then upon reflection, I realized that all of that wasn't juicy for me, and I was pushing and forcing. So I removed some things, made some spaciousness, so that I can do what is called for in January, which is the visioning, and the goal setting; fluid goal setting, goal setting that has the space for change and course correction subject to the whims of the muse. Goal setting that is in total alignment with how I want to feel and what I want to experience in 2018. Part of that is being very gentle with myself and those of you who enter my space, a big part of it is entering into 2018 with ease, flow, and gentility. Some of what I was initially planning to teach was quite intense, and the Inner Wise Woman said "no" they aren't ready for that yet, and neither are you, my dear. So I removed some things, I added others that are more focused on being open, receptive, and spacious, because when I teach I am right there alongside you doing the work myself. I invite you to ask your Inner Wise Woman and let her make some decisions for you, rather than having your brain make all the plans, because often our brain makes decisions based on our past not on our present. I invite you to let go of some things you thought you "should" be doing by now, and open to what is possible when you let your heart-knowing decide.
As you look at my calendar for January it is all about illuminating your visions, not planning to the last detail, it is about illuminating your gifts, and learning how to use internal language that comes from your heart and your love of yourself, and giving your Inner Critic voice another job. The planning, the specific tasks, and goals will come later, you have plenty of time my dear, all the time in the world really. So you can go to my calendar here because I won't take your time listing all the classes.
I do however want to invite you to a powerful circle on the New Moon-January 16th, where we do a Year Beginning Illumination, it will be powerful but gentle, we will support each other as we claim what we want to experience and how we want to walk through the world in 2018. When we are witnessed, when we speak our intents out loud, they become more energetically charged and I invite you to share that space with me.
For those of you not in Denver, I intend to do this virtually, either the 15th or 17th mid-morning. If you are interested shoot me an email, and help me choose the date.
To join me in circle, click here.