Listening to Our Bodies

I hope that all of you who celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful holiday, and spent some time in gratitude and maybe even some solitude. I unplugged for the better part of two days and it was lovely to just be present with those around me, and with myself.

In that time I spent some time in gratitude for my body, the sacred vessel that has been given to me to carry out my assignment in this life, which is to inspire myself and others. I spent time reciting the Inner Fire Prayer by Heatherash Amara with a focus on the stanza:

"May I honor this physical form as a sacred temple."

It took me years to learn to listen to the wisdom of my body, not just listening to the messages it sends me about my physical health, but my emotional and spiritual health as well. The more I love and get to know my body, the more I can recognize the subtle messages it sends me, like when to unplug and recharge, so I can be more open to receive the messages. When to stop eating so I don't feel stuffed. When to take a nap without feeling guilty. When I feel a big YES to an idea I am marinating on, or conversely to feel the NO, not now, or maybe not ever.

I once had a teacher say "The issues are in the tissues." This means our body holds onto our experiences, our injuries, our memories unless we do work to clear and cleanse them. Sometimes that means physical self-care such as massage and bodywork, other times it just means quieting our minds long enough to listen, and set an intention for working with and healing those stories and experiences we are still hanging onto but are no longer really serving us.

Our bodies are our direct connection to the Earth, to our groundedness, and to sustenance and strength. Our senses are our way of receiving the wonders of the Universe.

In what ways can you begin to slow down, pay attention to your body, and listen for her messages? How do you do this now, I would love to hear from you and share the ways in which you connect to your body, and therefore the Earth.

I also invite you to connect with me if you have questions or comments about a time when listening to your body and her wisdom made an impact on your wellbeing.


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